49 Best Low-Stress Jobs [Updated]

Stress in the workplace is inevitable, but there are low-stress jobs available in most industries. Some jobs have lower stress than others due to their nature and work environment management. Workplace stress causes include heavy workloads, job security worries, over-management, lack of communication and employee motivation, and poor physical work environment, among other factors.

Some low-stress jobs you may wish to pursue include data scientist, massage therapist, dietician, librarian, hair stylist, university professor, compliance officer, hydrologist, technical writer, dog walker, house pet sitter, jeweler, and personal trainer, among others.

Of course, so many other jobs come with low stress. In this article, I will discuss everything you need to know about what makes jobs for people so stressful and a lot more about low-stress employment.

What Makes A Job Stressful? 

There are so many factors that would contribute to work stress. Employees often get stressed due to several factors that put them at a point where they are either unable to predict their future or meet deadlines due to heavy workloads, unfavorable work environments, or career concerns, among other factors.

According to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, high-stress jobs can be costly. In this case, it causes about 120,000 deaths, increasing health care costs yearly. Therefore, it is not something to take for granted. We need to identify with it and find a solution before it is too late to understand what makes a job stressful.

Low Salaries/No Opportunities For Advancement

The high cost of living demands may put you under stress if you are earning less than what you need to live comfortably. In addition, some locations or cities in the United States, such as New York, Washington, D.C, Oakland, San Jose, and San Diego, among other cities or states, are the most expensive.

Therefore, a low wage can easily cause extreme levels of stress on how to meet the costs of housing, food, and other needs.

To make it worse is when you aren’t foreseeing some opportunities for advancing your career. That brings about career concerns where you start feeling insecure in your job.

Lack Of Communication/No Feedback

a lack of communication can make a low stress job very stressful

When there is no communication, you feel like you are left alone. But, of course, no one would want to be left alone on the job without communication. But in addition, when the management cannot talk or communicate with the employees and make them confident of what is ahead of them, the employees may work under the stress of not knowing what is ahead of them.

The management needs to keep employees updated about the changes in the organization or business and maintain proper interpersonal support so that employees can feel motivated to work knowing the challenges ahead of them.


Distractions can be of different natures. For example, it can come from the management or the workplace environment. If the workplace environment is not friendly, you will find it difficult to concentrate and be productive in your work.

For example, a poor working environment with poor lighting, uncomfortable sitting, noise, cold, or excessive heat is a great distraction and can lead to work-related stress.


The management style can either motivate the employees or make them feel undervalued. Good management includes its employees in decision-making, encourages them, and rewards them for their achievements.

In addition, if the employer or management is not concerned about the policies that are not family-friendly, that can stress the employees the most. Therefore, over-management or micromanagement may affect the employees’ self-esteem since they may feel undervalued, which can lead to daily stress on the job.

49 Best Low-Stress Jobs

best low stress jobs that pay well

As I mentioned, low-stress jobs come with favorable working terms, a good working environment, opportunities for growth, flexibility, better earnings, and an excellent work-life balance, among other things. Some of the best low-stress jobs, therefore, include the following:

1. Massage Therapist

Massage therapists are trained professionals who use their skills to help their clients promote muscle relaxation, reducing or eliminating their pain. A career in massage therapy can be demanding and may be difficult in the first years, but as you get used to it, you get to enjoy it since it pays well and comes with low stress.

The job comes with a good work-life balance, good income, better work prospects, flexibility, and opportunities for advancement hence the low-stress level.

2. Orthotist Or Prosthetist

Orthotists and prosthetists are healthcare professionals who work to help patients who have injuries, diseases, or disorders affecting their limbs or any other part of the body.

Prosthetists specialize in making supportive devices such as artificial limbs, among other medical devices. This job with solid prospects for advancement, a good life-work balance, and a high-paying job, among other benefits, makes it a low-stress job.

3. Notary Public

A notary public is an official of high integrity who impartially serves the public during important occasions, such as the signing of important documents like deeds, affidavits, contracts, trusts, licenses, and loan documents, among others. This works to help in deterring fraud that would otherwise happen if those documents were signed without a notary public who acts as a witness.

Where there is a high demand for notaries, it becomes easy to work as a self-employed notary, and that brings about a lot of flexibility where you can work in the comfort of your home. You can make good money even working on a part-time basis.

4. Technical Writer

technical writers are low stress jobs

A technical writer is a professional who communicates complex or technical material in an easy-to-understand language. As a technical writer, you can work with industry experts, professional specialists, designers, and content writers to create concise documentation for the end users.

Job details include writing user manuals, help files, troubleshooting guides, and standard operating procedures, just to mention a few. According to statistics, about 54.6% of technical writers have reported that technical writing is a low-stress job.

5. Librarian

A librarian is a professional who is tasked with the responsibility of looking after the library, whether it is private or public. Their daily tasks include issuing books or other library resources such as audio files, films, and magazines to the public. They also collect and organize them in the library’s appropriate locations.

According to Career Cast, being a librarian is one of the least stressful jobs due to job prospects and more growth opportunities. Also, librarians can choose a career path that suits their wishes, whether to work in schools, research centers, universities, or colleges. It is also a well-paying job with excellent growth prospects.

6. Astronomer

An astronomer is a scientist who specializes in studying objects in the sky, such as galaxies, stars, and planets, among other celestial bodies. They make use of equipment such as telescopes and other efficient space equipment.

Astronomy is an exciting and fulfilling field for anyone passionate about nature and science. It is a fun, low-stress, yet rewarding job, and it comes with the freedom where an astronomer can conduct their research and make their conclusions about the study subject. A degree in astronomy is required to be an astronomer.

7. Genetic Counselor

Genetic counselors are part of a group of low-stress jobs

Genetic counselors are healthcare support professionals tasked with analyzing inherited conditions and giving information about how that genetic condition is likely to affect the health of your family circle members. To become a genetic counselor, you need a composite of skills such as medical genetics, genetic risk assessment, and counseling, among other skills.

Studies show that most genetic counselors are happy and satisfied and happy with their jobs due to their low-stress nature. One thing about this career is that it pays well and has excellent advancement opportunities.

8. Geoscientist

These are professional scientists who work to explore and discover valuable and viable reserves of the earth’s natural resources, such as metals, minerals, gas, and oils, among other helpful resources. To become a geoscientist, however, you need a specialized college degree in geoscience or any other field of study.

Nevertheless, this stress-free job is straightforward and lucrative, with greater career growth prospects and opportunities for advancement.

9. Cartographer

Cartographers work with construction, engineering, surveying, or architectural firms, and their job includes gathering data for use in the project. This includes charts, maps, survey notes, and government records, which are helpful in land management and planning for natural resources, among other uses. The job is both challenging but enjoyable and with good prospects for growth.

10. Hydrologist

A hydrologist is a scientist who studies the movement of water below the earth’s crust. This is useful in environmental planning and the management and protection of water resources. Of course, there are so many varied roles of hydrologists depending on the employer, and the good side is that it pays well and has excellent growth opportunities. That makes it one of the low-stress jobs in the market.

11. Environmental Scientist

get a low stress job as an environmental scientist

An environmental scientist is a professional who studies nature and recommends solutions to different aspects such as waste management, conservation, and other vital facets of nature. It is a lucrative job requiring a bachelor’s degree in environmental science or related fields. The position comes with numerous benefits and is a straightforward career with excellent prospects hence one of the least stressful jobs.

12. Database Architect

A database architect is an expert tasked with building and maintaining the database of a company or business database. To become a database architect, you must be good at mathematics, statistics, and IT. In addition, of course, you need a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or computer science, among other related fields.

The job comes with excellent prospects for career advancement and a median salary of about $123,391 annually, according to PayScale, making it fulfilling and low-stress work.

13. Industrial Designer

Industrial designers are experts in designing concepts for manufacturing purposes. These include designing concepts for cars, toys, appliances, and other products. Industrial designers work by combining their art, knowledge, and design skills to come up with unique concepts that can sell.

This career is expected to grow exponentially by 6% between the years 2020 to 2030. As an industrial designer, you have job security, excellent prospects for growth, a good salary, and a better work-life balance.

14. Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineers are tasked with designing, developing, and testing prototypes and many other works that involve manufacturing, installation of components, and other functions depending on the industry.

To become a mechanical engineer, you need a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or any other related field. Though it is technical in nature, it is fulfilling in terms of its rewards and excellent career prospects, job security, and numerous opportunities.

15. Physicist

A physicist is a professional expert who is well-versed in science, specifically physics. The roles of a physicist can vary depending on the employer. Still, they conduct experiments to test scientific theories and research the aspects of matter and energy, among other functions.

You, therefore, need a bachelor of science degree and specialization in physics or any related field to become a physicist. Though it is involved, it pays well, with good career prospects and work-life balance.

16. Agricultural Engineer

get a low stress job as an agricultural engineer

An agricultural engineer is tasked with numerous responsibilities related to farming and technology. For example, they are responsible for developing agricultural equipment and machinery and dealing with problems with power supplies, among other functions.

This aims to ensure that the farming practice is free of pollution, safe, and sustainable. This career is stable and comes with many opportunities for career advancement, hence the low-stress level.

17. Statistician

As the name puts it, a statistician is a professional versed in statistics and qualified to work in a statistical field. To become a statistician, you need to have acquired a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field.

As a statistician, your work will involve collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numbers or data and finding a relationship between numbers and trends in the industry. This is helpful for use in decision-making by businesses or companies. It is a well-rewarding career with excellent prospects and a better work-life balance.

18. Art Director

If you have watched a movie, you will see a list of people behind the film’s success, including the art director. This person is tasked with creating visual images and styling the whole concept to produce a compelling piece of art.

Art directors, of course, work with other artists, such as graphic designers, video editors, advertising agencies, and other professionals, to come up with a successful project. It is a low-stress job since it has a lot of flexibility, primarily if you work privately.

19. Philosophy And Religion Professor

As a philosophy and religion professor, you can work as a lecturer in a university, and that is a satisfying job with good career prospects and opportunities for advancement. In addition to that, you get decent pay and a good work-life balance. Then, of course, you can work on a part-time basis in different institutions, depending on your capacity.

20. Food Scientist

food scientists have low stress jobs

Food scientists are professionals who work to analyze the food’s contents, develop better and more efficient ways of storing processed food to stay healthy and safe, and perform other duties related to food and nutrition. You need a bachelor’s degree in food science to qualify for this job. It is a well-paying and fantastic career with low stress.

21. Landscaper

A landscaper designs, builds, and maintains gardens, lawns, and outdoor landscapes to ensure that it remains decent and well-kept. They also apply fertilizers, do watering, and weed the plants to provide a better-looking garden. It is an enjoyable job with low stress since you can work part-time and get decent pay. Also, no formal education is required to be a landscaper.

22. Dietitian

A dietician works with patients with malnutrition problems to help treat their conditions. They also work to advise people on the best diets that can help in improving their health, leading them to live healthier lives. In addition, they develop healthy nutritional meal plans after analyzing the client’s or patient’s health needs.

You can work directly with the client or in a hospital as a dietician. It is an enjoyable job with excellent prospects and many opportunities. In addition, you earn well and can be flexible if you are a private dietician.

23. Data Scientist

A data scientist in a low stress job finding the key to the information.

The role of a data scientist can vary from one industry to another. They are tasked with gathering, processing, modeling, and analyzing data for use in decision-making. In addition, businesses and companies employ data scientists to help recommend solutions for decision-making. This is a low-stress job with better rewards, better work-life balance, and opportunities for advancement.

24. Curator

Curators are professionals who work with businesses, museums, and companies to help them in displaying organized art, catalogs, themes, designs, and exhibition materials. The job earns a hefty salary annually and comes with good-work life balance and plenty of opportunities. That makes it featured in this list of the best low-stress jobs.

25. Mathematician

As a mathematician, you can work as a mathematical expert, which would involve working on data to solve some practical problems in the company. Of course, mathematics works in every field and helps solve economic, technological, business, and engineering problems. You will find this job enjoyable and least stressful if you are passionate about mathematics.

26. Occupational Therapist

An occupational therapist analyzes the patients’ condition and recommends a treatment plan that works for them. They conduct a physical examination or assessment of the patient, including the home and work environment, and then initiate therapeutic procedures or methods to help the patients achieve their goals.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of occupational therapy is expected to grow by about 17% from 2020 to 2030. Therefore, job security and career advancement are guaranteed hence low stress.

27. Personal Trainer

Personal trainers have low stress jobs

You will help your clients achieve their fitness goals as a personal trainer. You can work in a private capacity or with an established gymnasium; the benefit of being a personal trainer is the flexibility that comes with it. The job is enjoyable, and you can even work part-time; hence it is a low-stress job. But, of course, it also pays handsomely.

28. Bioengineer

These are professionals who use their expertise to help solve medical problems. They are also tasked with installing and maintaining biomedical equipment, among other duties. Bioengineers earn decent salaries, and their jobs come with excellent career growth and advancement prospects. It is thus an enjoyable job for those passionate about science, health, and technology.

29. Flight Attendants

The role of flight attendants is to help passengers and ensure they are comfortable throughout the journey. They usher in passengers and help them find where their seats are located, and also help in conducting safety checks, among other functions. This job is fun and the least stressful for anyone who loves traveling and has good people skills. It also pays well, and most flights do not have a routine for flight attendants.

30. Developer

A developer is tasked with numerous responsibilities, including researching software programs, designing them, and implementing them to suit the intended purpose. Developers also create and test software programs.

As a developer, you have the freedom to work remotely and earn a lucrative salary. In addition, there are excellent prospects for career advancement and numerous opportunities, making it to the list of low-stress jobs.

31. Geographer

geographers have jobs with little stress

A geographer is a professional who studies the earth, nature, and the land. This also involves how humans interact with the physical environment. It is an enjoyable profession, and this becomes the least stressful career to pursue for anyone passionate about earth and nature. Of course, there are many opportunities for career advancement in this field.

32. Wind Turbine Technician

A wind turbine technician ensures that the wind turbines always run efficiently and smoothly. In addition, they do all the work related to maintenance, repair, and daily monitoring of how the turbines perform.

In addition, they, whenever needed, test and troubleshoot technical and mechanical problems. It is a low-stress job with a good salary, paid vacation, health insurance coverage, and sick leave, among other benefits.

33. Audiologist

An audiologist is a medical practitioner that works to help patients with hearing problems by identifying the underlying causes and prescribing treatments. Audiologists earn decently and are a satisfying career with great benefits and low-stress levels. A study listed audiology as one of the least stressful jobs, with more audiologists satisfied with their jobs.

34. Chemical Engineer

A chemical engineer is a chemistry expert versed in physics, math, and biology principles. Their work is to develop and design applicable processes for the chemical, food, fuel, and drug manufacturing and processing. It is important to note that plastics, paper, dyes, fertilizers, and petrochemicals are chemical engineering products.

This is one of the well-paid professions with excellent career prospects and job security. You will also be required to have a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering or relevant fields.

35. Accountant

Accountants have low stress jobs

The role of an accountant is to keep financial records and make major financial decisions for the business or company. Accountants also do financial reporting and reconciliation of bank statements and other roles, including analyzing and evaluating financial data.

Of course, there are so many roles that an accountant can play depending on the industry or as assigned by the employer. Accounting jobs come with better work-life balance, job security, more opportunities, and a decent salary.

36. Medical Stenographer

Medical stenography, also called medical transcription, involves transcribing medical reports from physicians or doctors with the use of electronic devices. This captures all the reports by a medical practitioner to the patient, which are useful for medical purposes.

Of course, you don’t need an advanced degree to become a medical stenographer, but with a high school diploma and completion of a medical stenography course, you are good to go. It is a low-stress job as it comes with excellent growth prospects and a good salary, among other benefits.

37. Medical Records Technician

The work of a medical records technician is to maintain patient records by creating and collecting patients’ information and keeping them in the permanent medical records of the hospital or health center. Medical records technician is among the least stressful jobs with better work-life balance, higher salary, and solid career prospects.

38. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants can make money in low stress careers

A virtual assistant is a professional who is experienced in a particular field and works remotely for a client. Virtual assistants’ roles are to have good communication skills, and help clients with their day-to-day activities such as data entry, answering calls, managing social media accounts, scheduling appointments, and any other job that may be assigned.

The good side of this job is the flexibility that comes with it. You can set a schedule that suits you, and you can also work part-time and earn a good income.

39. Compliance Officer

A compliance officer is a professional who works with a company or business to ensure that all the standard operation requirements, policies, laws, and regulations are complied with by the organization or company.

In addition, they work to ensure that all the bylaws and regulations are in tandem with external codes. Therefore, the industry comes with significant growth prospects and good rewards. In addition, it is a straightforward career, and you will have an excellent work-life balance hence low stress.

40. Optometrist

An optometrist is a technician who helps patients with eye and vision problems by analyzing and prescribing corrective solutions. In most cases, they help patients with the proper contact lenses, glasses, and, in general, eye health. Regarding stress levels, a study reveals that about 53.1% of optometrists have reported that the job is low stress based on several factors, including opportunities for advancement, rewards, and the work environment.

41. Radiologist

Radiologists perform medical imaging on patients with injuries or other underlying conditions so that they can administer the best treatment solution. They use medical equipment such as X-ray devices, CT scans, and MRIs to diagnose and treat patients. To become a radiologist, you need to be dedicated and hardworking, but it is a career with excellent growth opportunities and a lucrative salary.

42. Physical Therapy Assistant

Get a career as a physical therapy assistant for a low stress career

A physical therapy assistant monitors the patients during the sessions, guides them in their exercises, massage and work on their muscles, and performs other therapeutic interventions geared toward treating the patients while monitoring their progress.

It is worth noting that physical therapists work is a less stressful medical profession with significant advantages over ER nurses. The good thing about physical therapists is that they have flexible work schedules and no night shifts and hence have a better work-life balance than most other medical professions.

43. Photographer

If you love photography, then this creative field is the perfect career path and one of the most satisfying careers to pursue. Of course, you don’t need a college diploma or a degree, but you are good to go with basic photography skills. The good side of photography is that you get exposed to more opportunities for growth, and it also pays well. In addition, As a freelance photographer, there is an adventure in itself and hence is a low-stress career.

44. Graphic Designer

graphic designers can make good money in a low stress environment

Graphic design is one of the most fulfilling careers for those who love art and technology. You can use computer software to create visually appealing texts or images for brands and to communicate, educate, or inspire the audience.

Most graphic design work entails creating commercial visual appeals for awareness or selling a product or service. What makes it a low-stress job is that you have the flexibility to work remotely and more opportunities for advancement and a successful career, among other benefits.

45. Proofreader

Proofreading is one of the best jobs that reward well. If you are into freelance writing, then you are fit to become a proofreader as well. This job entails reading through the content from other writers to ensure that there are no spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes, among other issues.

You, however, need to be fluent in that language and with a keen eye for detail, among other skills. On the other hand, it is low-stress because you can work remotely on your schedule except when urgent orders are needed. It also pays well, and there are plenty of proofreading jobs.

46. Social Media Manager

A social media manager is a professional managing social media account for personal or business brands. They should be a good content creator and writer who can create great content to woo audiences for a purpose. In addition, a social media manager should be versed in marketing skills, planning, and organization, among other skills.

Of course, there is less risk that you get involved in becoming a social media manager, and the job pays well. In addition, unlike other technical jobs, being a social media manager is one of the least stressful, and you get exposed to trends that help in boosting your social media know-how.

47. Dog Walker

A low stress job is walking dogs

A dog walker’s job is similar to that of a pet sitter. Of course, part of pet sitting is walking the pets around; therefore, a dog walker is tasked with ensuring safe transportation of the dogs to and from their homes, among other responsibilities. Of course, it is not a difficult job and doesn’t need a lot of technical skills, yet it is a well-paying and least stressful job.

48. House Or Pet Sitter

Being a house/pet sitter is one of the jobs that you can do with the least stress. The job entails taking care of the pets’ needs, such as providing them with water and food, cleaning their litter boxes, walking them around, and giving them medications, among other functions.

The job doesn’t need you to have a college diploma or a bachelor’s degree, yet it is rewarding and does not have a lot of demands or deadlines to meet. And this is an excellent job for people with social anxiety who prefer not to interact with people on a daily basis.

49. Jeweler

A jeweler is an artist skilled in using gems, metals, and other materials to make earrings, bracelets, watches, and necklaces, among other adornments. They are tasked with designing, cutting, and shaping metals to form beautiful embellishments or jewelry pieces and valuing them, among other functions.

According to studies done by Career Cast, a jeweler job is the least stressful based on several factors that include physical demands, travel, deadlines, work environment, and rewards, among other factors.

Final Thoughts

Of course, after going through this list of the best low-stress jobs, you will find one that matches your skills and qualifications. Pursuing a career with growth prospects, an excellent work-life balance, and a sense of calm in the workplace, among other advantages, is essential if you enjoy and deliver on your job. On the other hand, the more stressful the job is, the more you will get bored with it quickly, which can negatively impact your health, quality of life, and productivity.

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