5 Incredibly Easy Ways to Save Money on Bills as a Renter

save money bills renter

When you’re renting, you may feel like you don’t have a lot of control over your utilities. However, there are some incredibly easy ways that you can cut costs on your bills without having to talk to your landlord.

1. Switch Your Internet Provider

In most apartments, you have the choice of which internet hosting service you decide to use. If you haven’t compared your options in a while, now is a great time to do so. The global web hosting market is expected to grow from $102 billion in value to $321.5 billion in value by 2025. This means there is a big market with a lot of competition. Compare your options and see if you can get a better rate from someone else. While it might be annoying to switch providers, once the process is over, you’ll save money on your monthly bills.

2. Use Natural Sunlight as Much as Possible

Take advantage of the days when you get a lot of sunlight. If there are parts of your apartment that bring in more sun than others, utilize them. Using artificial light can make your electric bills much higher than they have to be. Often, you don’t even need the lights when they’re on during the day. Turning them off and relying on sunlight to light your room will barely change a thing. However, you won’t need to pay for this level of lighting, so you’ll save on your electric bills. Unlike internet hosting, sunlight can sometimes be unpredictable. But utilizing it as much as possible will save you money in the long run.

3. Don’t Make Your Showers Quite So Hot

A blistering hot shower can be highly relaxing. However, it also uses a lot of energy and hikes up your heating costs. This means you pay more for these showers than you do for the ones that might not be quite so hot. Consider lowering the temperature somewhat. You can still enjoy a hot shower, but maybe it doesn’t need that level of heat. Save the extremely hot showers for special occasions and cool off your everyday cleaning. Cold water doesn’t rely on the hot water heater, so you don’t need to pay the additional cost to heat it. Depending on how your water is heated, it can save you money on gas, electricity, or oil, all of which can get expensive.

4. Turn Down the Heat

Heating expenses can be among the costliest parts of apartment living. Like internet hosting, it is something you likely use every day during certain parts of the year. But it is also a part of your comfort and safety. Turn down the heat a few degrees in order to save money on your energy bills. Don’t turn it down all the way, otherwise, you risk having your pipes freeze and burst. Your landlord might have a specific temperature it needs to stay at, but even if not, you still need a certain level of heat. However, if you keep it low and use other methods of staying warm, you can remain comfortable while paying less for heating costs.

5. Hang Dry Your Clothes

Clothes dryers are very convenient, but they cost a lot of money to run. If you are using your dryer for everything, consider hanging some or all of your clothes. This method is slower, but it is free. Just buy a clothesline or a drying rack and lay your clothes out on that to dry. By making this part of your laundry routine, you can save a lot of money.

Apartment living can be expensive, but there are ways to make it cheaper without having to contact your landlord for changes. If you take this advice and apply it to your own routine, you’ll notice a change in your bills!


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