10 Ways You Can Start Advertising Your Business Offline

advertise your business offline

The digital world has transformed the way we do everything, from our grocery shopping to reading books, and entering music and sporting venues. As a business owner you might think that this means you must focus solely on online marketing. Of course, it can play a big part in how you market your business but traditional marketing such as printing booklets, posters, and other forms of print marketing, can still play a pivotal role in brand building.

What Does it Mean to Promote Your Business Offline?

Promoting your business offline makes you think in a more creative way to connect with your customers. Instead of relying on modern online marketing, you need to consider how you can make a customer or potential customer feel with a physical item. This could be the branding and colour scheme of the company letterhead, how your business card feels, or it could be a well-thought-out, creative printed booklet.

1. Have An Impressive Business Card

Business cards can still be a creative way in which you market yourself as an individual and gives a chance to build brand awareness when linked with your company. When you meet someone new a business card can become a beacon, a way to link back to your business later on. This is why a creative business card, with bold colours, maybe a different texture, a QR code attached or something out of the ordinary, will make a person more likely to check out your services.

2. Branded Stationery

An easy way to promote your brand is to go with printed stationery that reflects your company’s colours and logo. Branded pens, and mugs, alongside printed brochures, printed booklets, and postcards are all fantastic ways to make a connection with your audience over a long period of time. In some printed materials make sure to include key, simple messages that are consistent with the rest of your marketing.

3. Believe In Word Of Mouth

We all trust our close friends and family to recommend products and services that are good. Word of mouth is the best way to build a business naturally. Customer service is vital, as a happy customer will continue to promote your business, for free! An unhappy customer on the other hand can cause problems to your brand reputation.

4. Use Printed Materials to Capture Everything

Take photos and videos of your products and services, keep a record of all the events and networking you do, and anything that we’ve mentioned above could be important in your next printed brochure or business leaflets. The link between your printed materials and your website and connect everything together under one recognisable brand.

5. Posters And Other Printed Materials

A well-designed poster is a perfect way to get your company and brand noticed and to lodge in the minds of passers-by. It could be a poster that promotes a specific new product or service, or it could be the promotion for a live event your company is hosting or taking part in. Banners and stickers are other ways to be inventive with branding, printing QR codes and customising packaging to always stay in the mind of the recipient of parcels you send over, those driving alongside your branded company car, or seeing a large poster.

6. Get the Merchandise Spot On

One of the more effective ways to connect your traditional offline marketing with your online marketing is to include URLs and company logo on branded merchandise. USB pens, mugs, water bottles, key rings, magnets, and other small items can all be branded up and given as gifts to clients, suppliers, employees and the like. Helping to build brand perception over time.

7. Sponsor Something Local

This is another great way to connect positively with people in your local community. Sponsoring a local event or a local sports team is a good way to get brand exposure. It helps to build trust in your brand, to get you front and centre in the eyes of the local population who could become your trusted future customers and provides the extra chance for printed branded content to be seen.

8. Networking

Networking is a great, cost-effective way to meet new people. Networking events can be either free or cost a nominal amount, but it does help you become an authority in your industry over time. You’ll get to meet prospective suppliers, future customers, and those companies you need to utilise as a business.

9. Partner With Local Businesses

Another way to become known in your local community is to partner with other businesses, building up familiarity and presence within other sectors. Get listed in local directories, become known as an expert in your field, and a business that cares about the community and a solid base of customers.

10. Welcome In The Public

Obviously, this depends on the type of business you run, but hosting a business open house is another way to build a strong local presence within your community, build strong relationships with local businesses, customers, and neighbours.

Booklet printing for business and other traditional offline marketing is a great way to boost your brand presence without it costing a fortune. Choose a good printing solution to help maximise the awareness of your brand.


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