5 Steps to Take Following a Motor Accident

motor accident steps

When you’re behind the wheel, your chances of getting into an accident are much higher than you may realize. Even a careful driver can get caught up in an accident while on the road. Statistics from the CDC (center for disease control and prevention) show accidents to be the fourth leading cause of death in the Volunteer State.

Tennessee roads are among the most dangerous in the country, ranking eighth in traffic fatalities in the United States. So far, in 2022, Tennessee has experienced 135,112 traffic accidents, with the Shelby, Davidson, and Knox counties experiencing the most crashes.

What To Do In Case Of A Motor Accident?

An accident’s fatality depends on the impact’s severity; some crashes may even cause death on the spot. Furthermore, both parties involved in an accident are not equally at fault. Most of the time, the recklessness of one driver can singlehandedly cause a major accident on the road.

But the question remains, what should you do immediately after involvement in one? First of all, try to maintain your composure. While what you must do after an accident is usually simple, it’s not always easy. Keeping your cool after an accident will allow you to take precise and detailed notes about the accident.

Furthermore, regardless of the accident’s circumstances, you must contact the local authorities, seek medical attention, and get a local attorney to claim compensation for the damages. It’s ideal for working with a local attorney as they would have more expertise on local laws. For example, if you were injured in a Knoxville motorcycle accident, you should work with accident lawyers from Knoxville.

5 Things To Do After A Motor Accident

Below we have outlined the six steps you need to take after being involved in a motor accident. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Contact emergency services

Motor accidents can be extremely traumatizing for both parties. Motorcycle accidents, in particular, result in thirty times higher fatalities than car accidents. So, if you got into a motor accident, your first action should be contacting local authorities in Tennessee. Check for injuries and notify emergency services if someone has been severely injured hurt. Plus, even if someone doesn’t show apparent injuries, you should still check on their well-being, as most symptoms of accident injuries get masked by the adrenaline surge they might be feeling. Keep your calm and check yourself and others for injuries.

Next, check if the vehicles are still functional and move them to the side of the road to resume traffic flow. Park the vehicles away from the main road so you won’t get struck by the oncoming traffic, and don’t forget to switch on the hazard lights. If the condition of the vehicles is beyond repair, leave them on the road and move to the side of the road to wait for law enforcement and healthcare personnel.

2. Document the accident

It is in your best interest to document the accident for legal purposes. Capture images of the accident site and the wreckage of all automobiles using your mobile or camera after contacting 911 and requesting assistance at the accident scene. You should capture the license plate number of the other vehicle, document the date and time of the crash, and make personal notes about the incident.

The dispatched police officer will likely ask you for identification and proof of insurance. And while reporting the incident to the police, ensure you’re truthful about what transpired to avoid complications. Also, don’t forget to get the contact details of the officer you interacted with and ask for a copy of the police report. If you pursue a claim with your insurance agency, they may want to see the police report. You should also exchange contact details and insurance information with the other party to ease the process

3. Contact your insurance provider

Whether you’re at fault or not, don’t forget to contact your insurance agency from the accident site. You should call your insurance company so the incident may be recorded and evaluated if necessary. Provide your insurance company with as much information as possible about the incident to help them proceed appropriately.

Notifying your insurer can help you determine all the procedures for filing a claim. They’ll give a full rundown of what to anticipate from the claims process. And if your car has sustained heavy damage, they can have it towed to a local repair facility. They’ll assign a claims agent to assist you with the filing process, arrange for repairs, and address any of your queries. Your coverage provider should be among the first to know if you are involved in an automobile accident in Tennessee.

4. Get the contact details of the witnesses

If there were witnesses who saw what happened and weren’t hurt, you should ask them if they’re willing to share their contact with you. You should document their names and addresses and record their statement along with a gist of what they reported.

Expect the dispatched officer to refrain from collecting information from bystanders, as most will be busy dealing with the scene to pay attention to the potential witnesses. In the event of a vehicle accident in Knoxville, Tennessee, you must get all relevant information immediately.

5. Contact your Lawyer

Lastly, getting in touch with a personal injury attorney when you’ve been in an accident is important. Choosing a reliable attorney to assist you through this difficult time is important since accidents on the road are nothing new and can happen to anyone.

A local lawyer will have the experience and expertise to protect your rights. Having a qualified attorney is an invaluable asset as you navigate the legal aftermath of an automobile accident. Working with a lawyer specializing in auto accidents will make light work of a potentially tricky matter.

Bottom Line

Even the most experienced drivers can be left feeling head-scattered after being in an accident on the road. But taking the necessary post-accident steps can save you from unnecessary anxiety.

Following a car crash, your priority should be checking on the safety of everyone in the car. If another vehicle is involved, ensure everyone in that vehicle is okay. After checking, move the cars away from the main road, if you can, while waiting for the authorities. Follow the above-discussed steps to minimize stress from accidents and focus on recovery.


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