10 Must-Have Features for Any eCommerce Business

ecommerce features

eCommerce is the fastest-growing segment of the retail sector and was projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21% between 2019 and 2022, according to Statista. With so much growth in this sector, it’s worth investing in an eCommerce platform for your business. Here are some features you should look for when choosing one:

1. Powerful Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard is the most important part of any eCommerce business. It’s the place where you can manage all your products, orders, marketing campaigns, and more. A good admin can make or break a business as it needs to be powerful yet easy to use so that store owners don’t get overwhelmed with information overload.

If you are looking for an example of a powerful admin dashboard then look no further than Shopify Plus which has a beautiful design that makes it easy for anyone to navigate through their site without having to spend hours trying to figure out how everything works.

They offer two different plans: Basic ($799/month) & Advanced ($1999/month). The basic option includes unlimited bandwidth & storage plus access via mobile devices while the advanced plan includes SSL encryption along with other features such as dedicated IP addresses and priority support from developers who specialize in building custom apps on top of their platform (if needed).

2. Ease of Use Themes and Templates

One of the most important aspects of any eCommerce website is how it looks and feels. The layout, color scheme, fonts, and images all need to be carefully selected to create a cohesive brand image that resonates with your target audience.

Your choice of theme/template will make or break your website as far as attracting customers goes. If you choose something that’s difficult to use or doesn’t look professional enough then people won’t take you seriously and they certainly won’t trust you with their money – so this is an area where we recommend spending some time researching what options are available before making a final decision!

3. Responsive Design

Responsive design is another must-have feature for any eCommerce business. Responsive design, also known as adaptive design or fluid layouts, refers to the ability of websites to respond to their environment by changing layout or content based on screen size, orientation, or resolution. Applying Custom ERP solutions to your eCommerce store, it will help solve many problems.

This might sound like a lot of jargon but it’s quite simple: responsive websites look great on all devices (phones, tablets, and computers) because they adapt themselves automatically so you don’t have to do anything. This increases user engagement and conversion rates because it means your customers can easily find what they need from anywhere – whether that be at home in front of their computer or on their mobile device while out and about running errands.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical element for any eCommerce business. SEO is the process of improving your website’s ranking in search engine results. This means that customers will find you easier, which increases traffic to your online store, increases revenue, and reduces costs. The great thing about SEO is that it works regardless of what kind of product or service you sell.

Some business owners might think they don’t need to worry about SEO because they only have a small number of competitors and not many people are searching for their products online. However, even though there may be fewer competitors selling similar goods as yours, you can still benefit from good SEO by increasing awareness among potential buyers who may be looking for something like what you have to offer but have never heard about it before!

Social media integration is a must-have feature for any eCommerce business. Social media integration helps to increase brand awareness and reach out to more customers. It also helps in increasing customer engagement, which leads to an increase in sales.

6. Product Variation Options

Product Variation Options: You can add multiple images, options, sizes, and colors to a product.

You can also add various materials and accessories to your products. This feature allows you to create variations of one product by adding the same type of product with different features.

7. Unlimited Number of Categories and Products

One of the most important things that any online store can have is an unlimited number of categories and products.

This feature is especially helpful if you’re a big brand that offers hundreds or thousands of products. You’ll be able to categorize them all by their type, size, colors, and even materials used in their manufacturing process.

What’s more? You can also add unlimited subcategories for each category so that your customers won’t get lost while browsing through your website and they’ll know exactly what they want before they place an order with you.

Having this feature will make it easier for users searching for specific items because there won’t be any limits when it comes to sections or product listings on your eCommerce website – which means people will spend more time looking at what you have to offer!

8. Multiple Payment Gateway Options

With the use of different payment gateways, you can accept various types of payments through your website. These include credit cards, debit cards, e-wallet services like Paytm or Paypal, and net banking options from Indian banks. When a customer checks out from your store, he/she is required to enter their card details for completing the transaction. This way, you will get to see who has made a purchase on your website and which platform they used to make it (e.g., Android vs iOS). The user experience provided by this type of service is seamless as well since there isn’t any lag while entering details unlike when using other modes like cash on delivery which might take up more time than usual due to lack of infrastructure as well as security concerns associated with such delivery methods where people have no option but trust each other blindly with money coming from both ends!

9. Tracking System Integration

Tracking system integration is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your business. If you want to make sure that every sale is accounted for, then a tracking system integration will be an invaluable tool.

How does it work?

You will need to integrate your eCommerce website with a tracking system to get accurate sales data and be able to track them all in one place. This means that when someone buys something from your store, they’ll fill out their payment information and it’ll be sent directly back into our platform so we can record exactly how much money has been made on each order!

10. Integrate Barcode Technology

Barcode technology is a must-have feature for any eCommerce business. By integrating barcode technology into your company, you can generate it using OnBarcode and print barcodes on products and use them to scan items, gather data, and more. This can help you track inventory and find out where the best-selling items are located in your store.

It’s also very easy to integrate this feature into your existing software or website with the right tools. Let’s look at some of the most efficient ways of implementing this feature into your business!


A well-designed and functional website is a must for any e-commerce business. You may have the best product in the market, but if your customers can’t find you, it will be very difficult to make sales. A good website should be easy to use, have a professional look and feel and display all of your products properly so that shoppers can easily find what they are looking for.


These are just some of the most important features to consider when choosing an eCommerce platform. We hope that this article has helped you understand why these are so essential for any business—and if you’re looking for more information on some particular aspect, feel free to reach out or check out our other resources!


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