Pedestrian Accident: 5 Steps to Take Immediately After the Crash

pedestrian accident steps legal

Getting into a car accident can be a scary experience, even with the protection of your vehicle and all of its safety features. Plenty of people still have injuries or worse after a crash. If your wreck involved a driver hitting you as a pedestrian, it can be much more frightening.

If you are crossing the street, there is always a chance that someone could fail to yield and hit you with their car. If you are lucky enough to survive the initial impact, you should hire a pedestrian accident lawyer after seeking medical help. The first few things you do after the accident could affect your safety, health, and any legal recourse you may have.

1. Remain Calm

It is difficult to remember to remain calm after getting hit by a car as a pedestrian. Your imagination is telling you the worst of what your injuries could be. You may be in a lot of pain, and your body may already be in shock. Breathing normally and not panicking is key to keeping your injuries from worsening.

If you panic, you will not be able to assess how bad it is. There is always a chance that you are not hurt badly. But if you are and you try to get up, you could be risking further damage to your body.

2. Call the Police

If you are in a public area and witnesses saw the accident, there is a good chance someone has called the police already. Hopefully, the driver that hit you called as soon as it happened. If you can talk, ask someone nearby if they could call the police for you. The 911 operator will also send emergency services such as an ambulance or fire truck if needed.

3. Gather Information

If you are with someone, you can ask them to get the driver’s information. The police will get it when they get there, but there is always a chance that the driver could get scared and leave before they arrive. Whoever talks to them should not approach them with anger or talk about who is at fault in the accident, as this may cause them to stop talking. If you apologize out of politeness, it could be used as evidence later on that you acknowledged fault.

You should also get some pictures. Having someone take pictures of the scene while the car is still there would be ideal. If not, go back as soon as possible and document where the accident happened, where crosswalks were located, and the visibility of signs and traffic lights. These things may be used in court later on if needed.

4. Get Medical Attention

Paramedics will be called to the scene to assess your injuries. If you do not have anything life-threatening, they may offer to take you to the hospital. If you feel okay, you do not have to go with them. However, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes the injuries sustained in a car accident do not manifest for several hours or days. You could have hurt your back or your head worse than you knew at the scene, and if you went into shock, you may not realize how bad your pain is. Having a doctor check you out is important for your health. They may also document your cuts, bruises, and scrapes to be used in court later on.

If you have been in a car accident where you were a pedestrian, you should contact an attorney as soon as you are able. They can take a look at your case and let you know what kind of legal action is required and if any compensation is owed to you. They can also navigate all of the interactions with insurance companies and other lawyers so that your case gets handled appropriately while you concentrate on recovering.


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