How Lawyers Can Help Manage Insurance Companies Post-Accident

lawyers manage insurance companies

Being in an accident can have significant physical, emotional, and financial impacts. Not to mention, you have to deal with the insurance company after the incident to get compensation. Insurance companies have a reputation for being tough to work with, as they often try to save money by offering claimants minimal compensation.

Thus, the prospect of handling the insurance company can be daunting, and you may feel helpless. However, a lawyer can help you handle the insurance provider after your accident. At the least, an attorney can tell if an insurance company is lowballing you.

Here are more ways a lawyer can help you manage an insurance provider post-accident.

Filing Paperwork Correctly

Filing a claim with an insurance company may require a lot of paperwork. You can quickly get confused and make a mistake that jeopardizes your claim.

Lawyers understand the claims process and can help you complete the paperwork correctly. They can ensure that you include all the necessary documents in your claim. In addition, a lawyer can help you understand the details involved in the entire process.

Submitting documents in a timely manner is also essential. It can help prevent any delays when dealing with insurance companies. A lawyer can help you submit the necessary paperwork on time.

Lawyers can help claimants manage the insurance company by providing legal advice. They understand the complexities involved in dealing with an insurer after an accident. Thus, lawyers can offer you helpful advice on your case.

A lawyer will review your insurance policy to determine how it applies to your case. Once a lawyer understands your policy, they will advise you on the best action to take. They will also inform you about what the insurer is legally obligated to pay.

Communicating With the Insurance Company

Lawyers are essential when it comes to communicating with insurance companies. Soon after an accident, the insurance adjuster may reach out to you to get details of the incident.

You may worry that you’ll say the wrong thing during the conversation and harm your case. A lawyer can talk to the insurer on your behalf, safeguarding your case.

Collecting Evidence

An insurance company typically needs evidence to pay compensation after an accident. Lawyers can investigate your case and collect evidence to help you build a strong case. Many types of evidence can support your claim, especially photos or videos of the incident.

Other forms of evidence include:

  • Eyewitness statements
  • Police accident reports
  • Medical records
  • Expert opinion (from an accident reconstructionist, medical professional, etc.,.)

Determining the Damages You Can Claim

After an accident, the insurance company may be quick to give you a settlement offer. Such an offer is likely to be lower than you deserve. Lawyers will help plaintiffs spot a lowball offer. They will also advise the injured party on accepting or rejecting a particular offer.

A lawyer will assess your case to determine the damages you can claim. In doing so, they can help you estimate a fair settlement amount. Some of the damages you may be able to recover after an accident include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Property loss
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life

Negotiating a Settlement

Insurance companies may offer a claimant less than what is fair to save money. Your lawyer will send a counteroffer if you receive a low settlement offer. Then, a negotiation may ensue.

A lawyer can help the injured party negotiate a fair settlement. Lawyers are highly skilled negotiators and will use their expertise to your advantage.

The insurance company may be unwilling to settle. If that happens, a lawyer will help you file a suit. They will also represent you in court proceedings.

Final Words

A lawyer can be invaluable when dealing with an insurer after an accident. Insurance companies usually look out for their interests, not yours. With a lawyer by your side, you can rest assured your rights and interests will be protected.


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