5 Things You Might Not Know About Mobile Billboard Advertising

When it comes to expanding your methods of advertising and promotion, especially if you’re looking for something unique and different, taking a look at mobile billboard advertising is definitely worth your time. This type of advertising, which consists of placing your ads on cars, trucks, and other mobile devices, has proven to be very effective for most businesses. If this is something you’ve considered but you still know little about it, you’ve come to the right place. Below are a few things about this form of advertising that are certain to pique your curiosity.

1. They Provide a Lot of Value for the Money

All businesses know that advertising is expensive, but the truth is that mobile advertising gives you a lot of exposure for the amount of money you spend. For a small amount of money, you can reach thousands of potential clients in just a short period of time. If your advertising budget is limited, or even if it isn’t, you’ll get an excellent ROI (return on investment) when you choose this type of advertising. If you don’t believe it, just compare this type of advertising to other types, including television and radio advertising, and you’ll immediately recognize the difference.

2. They Come with Lots of Extra Features

When you choose to use mobile billboard advertising to promote your business, you have a lot of options when it comes to how you want your ads to look. They can be plain or fancy, colourful or standard, large or small, and they can even be fitted with a reflective type of paint that makes it much easier to see the ad after dark. There are even advertisements that contain LED lighting so that it attracts attention during the day and can be seen by anyone driving by when it gets dark. Because of this, you can personalize your billboard to make sure it looks just like you want it to look.

3. They Offer Longevity

Because mobile billboards are placed mostly on vehicles of various sizes, they tend to be in effect for a very long time. Businesses don’t want their ads painted onto the sides of cars when those cars will only be driven around for a few months. With most company vehicles, more than one person is allowed to drive them, so even if a driver is out of commission for a while, another driver can come along and drive the vehicle. In other words, advertisers who pay for their ad to be shown to the public can count on that happening for many months or even several years at a time.

4. They Are Incredibly Effective

If you’re not convinced that mobile advertising is a great option, just take a look at some of the statistics. First of all, more than 70% of all drivers intentionally look at billboards while driving. Each mobile billboard ad can attract between 30,000 and 70,000 people per day. And mobile ads are great for businesses that fit the “8-second rule,” meaning that their message can be understood by the potential customer in eight seconds or less. That’s a lot of businesses that can benefit from this type of advertising!

5. They Are Perfect for Most Types of Businesses

Regardless of the type of business you operate, mobile billboard advertising can work for you. They give you ads that people can see at eye level, and they are great for businesses of all sizes. The average citizen, regardless of their country, tends to spend hundreds of hours in their car in any given year, so if you choose this type of promotion for your business, you can count on a lot of potential customers seeing the ad on a regular basis.


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