5 Steps to Take in the Wake of an Assault

steps to take assault

Being the victim of an assault can be equal parts frightening, stressful, and confusing. Whether the perpetrator is a family member, friend, partner or perfect stranger, there are certain steps you’ll need to take in the wake of an assault. Since you’ll no doubt want to see justice served and obtain any restitution you’re owed, it’s imperative that you stay on top of things and get in touch with the right people. So, if you’ve recently been the victim of an assault, make sure to take the following measures.

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1. Get to Safety as Quickly as You Can

Nothing is more important than your safety. So, if you still feel that you’re in danger in the immediate aftermath of an assault, get to a safe location as quickly as you can. If the perpetrator is still present, take care to put as much distance between yourself and them as possible. Even if the assault took place in your home or place of business, get yourself to a different location if you believe that your safety is still at risk.

Once you’ve reached a safe location, take care to alert the authorities. Conversely, if you feel that you’re in immediate danger, it may be a good idea to call the police before leaving the location of the incident. Next, you’ll need to file a police report. Should you decide to press charges or file a civil suit against the perpetrator, an official report of the incident will be absolutely essential. 

2. Take Stock of Your Injuries

A clear accounting of any injuries you’ve suffered as a result of the assault can prove tremendously helpful to your case. So, upon reaching a safe location, thoroughly inspect yourself for injuries – provided you’re able to do so without injuring yourself even further. Assuming you’re comfortably able to, photograph any injuries you discover. If you’re too injured or emotionally distressed to document your injuries, simply wait for the police and emergency services to arrive.  

3. Keep Your Distance from the Perpetrator

There are a variety of reasons you should keep your distance from the perpetrator while the case is still unfolding. For one thing, staying away from a violent individual is conducive to protecting your personal safety. Even if the party in question isn’t ordinarily predisposed to violence, you’d do well to avoid taking such a dangerous and unnecessary risk. 

Furthermore, should you opt to resume contact with this person, their attorney is liable to argue that you couldn’t feel unsafe around them if you’d willingly get in touch with them following an assault. Additionally, the more contact you have with the perpetrator after the assault, the more justification they’ll have for making this claim. 

4. Get a Restraining Order

If you’re fearful that the perpetrator may seek you out, file for a restraining order posthaste. Even if you’re unable to get a full restraining order before the case receives further review, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to obtain a temporary restraining order until such time as the case moves forward.

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Should the perpetrator find themselves in violation of the order, they risk arrest, jail time, and other serious consequences. Furthermore, by violating the order, they’re effectively doing damage to their case, thereby making the prosecutor’s job considerably easier. This is also likely to make obtaining a full restraining order a far simpler undertaking.

If you’re looking to pursue civil charges against the person who physically assaulted you, get in touch with a highly-rated attorney. The right lawyer will be able to provide you with a plethora of invaluable advice and help ensure that you receive any restitution you’re owed in a timely and low-stress manner. Floridians who have been victimized by physical assault should consider reaching out to knowledgeable, results-driven Sarasota personal injury attorneys.

There’s no denying that assault is a serious offense. Regardless of how severe an individual instance of assault is, the victim is likely to feel immensely frightened in the wake of the incident. Fortunately, seeking justice for yourself and getting what you’re owed in the aftermath of an assault don’t have to be arduous undertakings – provided, of course, you have the right information at your disposal. Assault victims looking for justice and restitution will be well-served by the advice outlined above.


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