5 Packaging Tips for Your eCommerce Startup

packaging tips business

If you’ve decided to start an ecommerce venture this year as an entrepreneur, there’s a good chance you’re on the hunt for helpful business tips. With this, you’ll find that it’s essential to choose the right hosting provider, implement effective SEO tactics, develop a solid social media presence, and ultimately aim to provide the best shopping experience.

But while you’re searching for ways to fine-tune your e-commerce business, it’s also crucial to focus on packaging.

We’ve listed some handy packaging tips to help your e-commerce startup find success.

1. Choose The Right Courier Service

Before you can start looking for ways to improve packaging for a great customer experience, you’ll need to be sure the courier service you choose can uphold your business goals.

Look for a courier service that is professional, reliable, and affordable. At the same time, the right courier should also offer same-day delivery, overnight shipping, and standard delivery options. The more delivery options your customers have, the more convenient they’ll find your brand. You can find out more about shipping options at courierschicago.com

2. Select Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials

The materials you choose are more important than you might think. If you plan on using bubble wrap as a filler, you’ll be making a mistake for your business and the environment, which customers won’t like.

Instead, look for eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable packaging peanuts, shredded recycled paper, or others. In addition, avoid using plastic and polystyrene where possible.

3. Use The Right Size Boxes And Mailers

It’s never wise to order a bulk supply of boxes in one size. Instead, purchase boxes that perfectly fit customer orders.

Predicting your orders might be a bit challenging, which can make ordering the correct quantity quite tricky. However, it’s best to order more packaging materials than you estimate you’ll need.

4. Brand Each Order

Instead of shipping orders in standard boxes that boast no more than the courier services waybill, you should brand each box with your company’s logo.

Order bulk brand stickers to showcase your brand on each order. It’s wise to opt for sticker sizes that don’t overwhelm smaller orders, so keep this in mind when ordering your stickers.

5. An Unboxing Experience

Aside from receiving your products, you can go a step further for customers by creating an unboxing experience. This tactic ensures that customers find your brand memorable, which is great for any brand.

For a memorable unboxing experience, you could include a handwritten or personalized thank you note for each customer. A bit of confetti is also a creative idea, although it’s essential to avoid glitter because it’s tricky to clean. Additionally, you can also consider including free samples or a free small gift per order. Coupons, discount cards, and pamphlets are also great ideas.

Once you have settled on packaging for your products, you can ship each order with confidence. The right packaging strategy can help you turn once-off buyers into brand-loyal customers. So, this is an essential element of any e-commerce business to invest time and money into.


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