10 Best Practices for nCino Implementations

ncino implementations

Implementing nCino technology can bring significant benefits to a bank’s operations and customer experience, but the process can also be fraught with delays. Based on our experience with nCino implementations, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten best practices to ensure success. Before that let us have a close look at what is nCino test automation.

What is nCino Test Automation?

nCino test automation refers to the process of using software tools and scripts to automate the testing of nCino software applications. This can include automating the execution of test cases, comparing the actual results to the expected results, and generating reports on the test results.

The goal of test automation is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of testing by reducing the amount of manual testing required and providing a more consistent and accurate way to test the software.

Additionally, test automation can help to detect defects early in the development cycle, which can save time and money by reducing the need for rework and debugging.

10 Best Practices for nCino Implementations

  1. Prioritize thorough system design before building: Banks should spend ample time discussing and documenting expectations for each nCino feature and finalizing all lists (i.e. Product Catalog, Covenants, Policy exceptions, Collateral Types, etc.) before starting the building and testing phase.
  2. Standardize processes across originations: To minimize complications with workflow, roles, profiles, and training, it’s important to keep the process as similar as possible across all originations.
  3. Avoid unnecessary customization: nCino’s pre-packaged functionality is designed to meet all critical requirements of an origination system. Therefore, sticking to the out-of-the-box (OOTB) functionality with light configuration can help eliminate complications with future patches and product releases.
  4. Limit security and validation rules: Leave the system as open as possible and let user feedback drive the need for rules. This will save time and effort that would have been spent on unnecessary functionality.
  5. Implement structured project governance: Develop a structured implementation approach with documented intermittent checkpoints and approvals. This will ensure all stakeholders are on the same page and milestones are on track to be met.
  6. Align expectations among stakeholders: Prior to design, ensure all stakeholders are aligned on expectations and results for the first release.
  7. Design around a target process: Do not attempt to build the current origination process into nCino. Instead, design the nCino application around an agreed-upon target process.
  8. Do not underestimate the importance of change management: The nCino application covers many aspects of the origination process. Careful planning for training and support is necessary to ensure a successful launch.
  9. Follow the 80% rule: Plan to deliver 80% of the end user’s wish list in the first release. Eighty percent of the requested functionality can be delivered within a reasonable time frame, but the additional twenty percent has the ability to completely sidetrack the project due to overly complicated design and high build effort.
  10. Allow the application to drive final design: Instead of finalizing every detail before go-live, allow users to gain experience with the system and fully understand its capabilities before making final decisions on certain details.


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