Double Income No Kids [DINK] Pros and Cons

Traditional nuclear or dual-income families are no longer the norm in today’s society. Instead, more and more couples are choosing to remain childless, as they are opting for the so-called “dual-income, no kids” lifestyle. But what does this term mean? Is it the new American dream?

Dual income refers to a household where a couple or both partners work and do not have children at home. And while there are a variety of reasons why couples may choose not to have children, the most common one is simply that they want to focus on their careers. After all, raising a family is a full-time job in itself! The savings potential for dual-income, no-kids couples is another main reason for choosing this lifestyle.

There are two main types of dual-income, no-kids couples:

  • New couples who have yet to start a family, or do not plan on having children.
  • Those consisting of “empty nesters” who have already raised their children and are now enjoying some well-deserved time for themselves.

So, how can you make dual income work for you? If you are a gay married couple, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Other childless couples may also want to consider the pros and cons of this type of lifestyle before making any decisions.

Finally, if you decide that dual income is right for you, a few financial planning tips can help make it work.

What Does DINK Mean?

DINK is an acronym for “Dual Income, No Kids.” It is a slang term used to describe a household where both partners or a couple work and no children live at home. A growing number of couples or partners in the U.S. are now classed as DINKs.

What Is Dual Income, No Kids (DINK)?

A DINK household is one in which a couple or both partners work, and no children live at home. This lifestyle has become increasingly common in recent years as a growing number of women have entered the workforce, and couples have delayed starting a family.

There are several reasons why someone might choose to live this way. For example, DINKS often have more disposable income than families with children because they have two incomes but no associated childcare costs. This can allow them to buy luxury items and live a lavish lifestyle that may be beyond the reach of single-income families or those with multiple dependents.

DINKS have chosen to remain child-free in order to focus on their careers or the competitive pressure to get ahead. Additionally, DINKS usually have more free time than parents since they do not have to juggle work and child-rearing responsibilities. This can allow them to pursue hobbies, travel, or other interests they might not otherwise have time for.

However, there are also some drawbacks to this lifestyle. For instance, DINKS may find it difficult to relate to friends or family members who do not share their experience of being childless. Additionally, they may face pressure from society to start a family even if they do not want or feel ready to do so just because it’s the social norm. 

Types Of DINKS

There are two main types of DINKS: those who are married and those who are not. Married DINKS tend to have higher incomes than their unmarried counterparts because they often benefit from economies of scale (i.e., sharing expenses like housing and transportation).

Unmarried DINKS, on the other hand, may enjoy greater freedom when it comes to spending their income as they please since they are not financially responsible for supporting another person.

New Couples

New Couples and double income no kids

New couples often choose to delay starting a family to focus on their careers or simply enjoy their time together without the added responsibility of children. This type of couple is sometimes referred to as a “starter marriage.”

While starter marriages used to be less stable than traditional marriages, this is no longer necessarily the case; in fact, many experts now believe that delaying parenthood can improve the chances of marital success by allowing couples more time to grow and develop together before adding the stressor of kids into the mix.

Empty Nesters

An empty nester is someone whose children have grown up and moved out of the house (typically when they turn 18). Empty nesters often find themselves with extra time and money on their hands after years of parenting; as such, many decide to take advantage of this newfound freedom by traveling, going back to school, or pursuing other hobbies and interests that they were unable to devote attention to while raising kids.

Gay Married Couples

Gay Married Couples are often dinks

Because most gay married couples cannot have children naturally, these couples must make a conscious decision to remain childless. For many gay couples, the desire to have children simply isn’t there. They are content with their lives as they are and don’t feel the need to change anything.

Other gay couples may want children but feel they cannot have them because of their sexual orientation. This is often a difficult decision for these couples to make, but ultimately, they choose to remain childless to avoid discrimination and judgment from society. Even though they cannot have children naturally, there are still many ways that gay couples can make the DINK lifestyle work for them.

One way is by adopting children. This can be a great way for dual income families and gay couples to build a family and provide a loving home for children who need it. Another way is using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). This allows gay couples to have biological children genetically related to one or both partners.

Other Childless Couples

Many other childless couples are not gay but choose not to have children for various reasons. Some of these reasons may include the following:

  • Not feeling ready or financially stable enough to raise a child.
  • Not wanting to contribute to the population growth or add to a population boom.
  • Wanting to focus on their careers.
  • Enjoying their freedom and independence too much.
  • Not wanting to deal with the stress and responsibility of parenthood.
  • Believing that they would make bad parents.

DINK (dual-income, no kids) couples have been found to have lower fertility rates than their counterparts who are not DINKs. One possible reason for this is that these couples may have difficulty conceiving due to work-related stress or other factors. Additionally, DINK couples may be more likely to delay starting a family until they feel they are financially stable, which can also lead to lower fertility rates.

Whatever the reason, these couples have decided not to have kids and are content with their lives as they are. But, like gay couples, there are still many ways that childless couples can make the DINK lifestyle work for them. One way is by focusing on their relationship with each other.

Without kids, these couples have more time and energy to invest in their relationship, which can lead to a stronger and more fulfilling bond between them. Another way is by taking care of pets or getting involved in other forms of community service, which can help fill any voids that may exist without kids in their lives. But ultimately, it is up to each couple to find what works best for them and makes them happy.

Dual Income, No Kids: Pros And Cons Of The DINK Lifestyle

Dual Income, No Kids: Pros And Cons Of The DINK Lifestyle


Increased Social Mobility

Since DINKS decided against having kids in exchange for more freedom and personal fulfillment, they are free to move around more easily without having to worry about school districts, education for children, or childcare arrangements; this can be especially beneficial if one or both partners need/want to relocate for work.

More Time To Establish A Career

Without having kids early on in their career, DINKS often have more time available to focus on advancing professionally; this critical time can lead to better job security, work-life balance, and higher earnings potential down the road.

Extra Money

Since DINKS do not have kids, they often have more disposable income available each month; this can be used to save for retirement, emergency funds, or enjoy life now through travel and other experiences.

More Investable Funds

DINKS also have more investable funds. This is because they typically have fewer expenses and can save a larger percentage of their income. They can use this money for financial incentives such as investing in stocks, real estate, and mutual funds or simply boosting their savings.

Plenty Of Free Time

DINKS also have plenty of free time in their day-to-day life. This is because they do not have to spend as much time on child-rearing activities. Instead, they can use this free time to enjoy hobbies, pursue careers, or relax.

Fewer Tax Breaks

While this may seem like a negative at first glance, it means that DINKS tends to get a higher tax return each year than families with children; this can help boost savings even further.

However, the downside is that DINKS may get fewer tax breaks than families with children. This is because government policies offer tax breaks to families with children to encourage them to have children. However, DINKS can still take advantage of some tax breaks, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Care Tax Credit.

Potential To Overspend

Since DINKS do not have to make as many financial sacrifices for children (e.g., save for college), they may be more likely to spend money at their favorite luxury shop rather than saving it; this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something to be aware of.

More Years To Bond As A Couple

As people age, they often have less support from their family and friends. This is especially true for couples who do not have children. Childless couples may find themselves without anyone to help them with tasks such as grocery shopping or transportation. Additionally, they may not have anyone to rely on financially in their retirement years.


Less Support As You Age

Since DINKS will not have any grown children of their own later in life,’ they may need financial support later in life or may require long-term care, especially if DINKS come from relatively unaffluent backgrounds. This could cause financial pressures for them. They may also suffer from loneliness.

Difficulty Relating To Other Couples With Children

Couples without kids may have difficulty relating to others with kids. In addition, since most people are doing the opposite of what DINKS are trying to achieve (i.e., raising a family), it can be an isolating experience at times and make it tougher to maintain long-term friendships or form new ones outside of the workplace.

DINKS Can Become Tied To Their Jobs

They may be pigeonholed into work that does not require parental leave – since DINKS do not need to plan for parenthood, they are more likely to be tied down by their jobs and not be able to consider other opportunities later in life.

Tendency To Overspend

Potential to overspend – as mentioned earlier, DINKS may have a larger disposable income, but this can lead to the temptation to engage in unnecessary consumerism; this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is important to maintain emergency funds to cushion any unexpected financial shocks or life reversals.


In conclusion, the new American dream of dual-income couples with no kids is attainable for many people. It does have its pros and cons, but with careful planning, it can be a very rewarding lifestyle. There are also many ways to make it work for you, whether you are a gay married couple or another childless couple. And while you may not get all the tax breaks of traditional families, there are still plenty of advantages to being a DINK. So, if you are considering this lifestyle, go for it! You just might find that it is the perfect fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Save Money By Not Having Kids?

It is often assumed that childless couples save money by not having kids. However, this is not always the case. Many childless couples end up spending more money than couples with children. This is because they often have more disposable income and fewer financial obligations. Additionally, childless couples may spend money on experiences rather than things, which can add up over time.

DINKS will also miss out on tax breaks and other benefits associated with parenthood; plus,’ they may need to provide financial lifelines for their parents and/or seniors later on in life.

Do Childless Couples Have More Money?

  1. While it is true that childless couples often have more disposable income than couples with children, this does not necessarily mean that they have more money overall. Many childless couples have a higher debt-to-income ratio than couples with children. This is because they often have higher levels of student loan debt, high-interest debt, and credit card debt.
  2. Additionally, childless couples are less likely to own a home than couples with children. However, they also do not have to spend as much on childcare, long-term education, and clothes. They also tend to have lower housing costs. All this extra money can be used for travel, retirement savings, and investing.
  3. DINK couples, or couples without children, often have a higher tax burden than those with children. This is because they cannot take advantage of the various subsidies for couples, tax deductions and credits available to families with children. As a result, DINK couples may end up paying more in taxes than they would if they had children.
  4. There is a growing trend of young, unmarried couples opting not to have children. As a result, many developers are targeting this demographic with so-called DINKS preferential housing policies. These policies typically offer discounts or other incentives to childless couples, who are seen as a desirable target market for high-end apartments and condos.
  5. While some see this as a positive trend that helps reduce overcrowding and competition for scarce housing resources, others worry that it could lead to further segregation and exclusion of families with children.
  6. DINKS families are becoming more and more common in today’s society as the cost of living continues to rise, and the population projections increase. DINKS often have more disposable income than families with children, so they can spend more on discretionary items. There has been much debate over whether or not the government should have a special socioeconomic policy for DINKS.
  7. Some argue that because they do not have children, they do not need the same type of support as families with children. Others argue that because DINKS often have higher incomes, they should be taxed at a higher rate to help support families with children. No matter what side of the debate you are on, there is no denying that DINKS are an important part of our society and economy.
  8. They often have more disposable income than other families, so they can contribute more to the economy through consumption and help with economic growth. 

Are DINKS Happier?

Despite the common belief that DINKS are happier than non-DINKS, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Some research suggests that DINKS are no happier than non-DINKS. However, it is important to note that happiness is subjective and can vary from person to person.

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