6 Insider Secrets to Selling Your Home for the Most Money

selling home max profit

No one wants their home to sit on the market for months after they’ve listed it. When this happens, you begin to worry and do things like decrease the price of the listing, which then eats into the profit you could make when the home ends up selling.

If you want to sell your home for the most profit possible, there are some things you can do to increase these chances. Get ready, steady, and list your home now!

1. Know Who Your Ideal Buyer Is

When you’re looking to sell your home for the most cash possible, it can become tricky to know what to do. However, selling a house fast in Colorado Springs, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Columbia, South Carolina, or any other state doesn’t have to be complicated as long as you take the proper steps, with the first one being researching who your ideal buyer is. Several types of people are looking to buy property.

Everybody from house flippers to people searching for first-time homes. If your home is a fixer-upper, the ideal buyer for the home will be people in the business of investing, such as house flippers.

When you know who your ideal buyer is, you can ensure that you take the right steps to market to them. It also helps to include buzzwords in your listing that will attract the attention of your ideal buyer.

Or if the home has foundation issues or others that would cost you a lot of money to fix, you could sell the home as-is sight unseen. Again, this will help attract the right buyers and increase your chances of getting precisely what you’re asking for.

2. Fill In The Blanks

When people are searching for a home to buy, they want to know more about it than just what it looks like. The potential buyer will want to know things about the home, like when it was last sold and any problems it might have had in the past.

Most people don’t want to buy a home with a host of hidden issues they’ll have to deal with after buying it. It’s best to create a digital timeline of the homes’ history for potential buyers to review before deciding if they will put an offer in on the house.

The history should include information such as:

  • Changing floor plans
  • Documents detailing home warranty
  • Records of home maintenance
  • Past foreclosures

The more forthcoming you are about the history of the home, the higher the chances of finding a buyer that will pay the sales price you’re asking for. This also shows potential buyers that you care about being honest and disclosing everything the buyer needs to make them comfortable enough to put in an offer on the home.

3. Maintain the Landscaping

First impressions can make or break what people think about you. The same thing can be said about the appearance of your home.

When buyers drive to your home for a tour, the first thing they’re going to see is the front yard, and if it’s not unkempt, it can change the way people see the home. If the exterior of the house isn’t neat and tidy, it can cause buyers to think that the inside of the home looks like the outside.

When the landscaping of the home is well-maintained, you showcase the beauty of the house and let it take center stage. It can also make it easier for buyers to find the walkway that leads to the front door.

If you want to take the landscaping further, you can plant flowers in the front yard and around the home that bring beauty and wildlife to the home. What’s more picture-perfect than pulling up to your home and seeing the garden buzzing with bees and butterflies?

most money for your home

4. Upgrade Appliances

Many people want to move into a home that has updated appliances. Whether that’s in the kitchen or the bathroom, they don’t want to move into an outdated home and be stuck in the past decade.

You don’t have to replace all the appliances in the home, but if there are some appliances that are on their last leg, do buyers a favor and replace it. Not to mention the kitchen is a crucial selling point for most buyers, and when they see you took the time to install new appliances, it’s going to get them excited about moving in.

There are several other home improvements you could consider making if the appliances are still fairly new.

5. Remove All Clutter

It can be challenging for people to see themselves buying your home when your personal items are scattered throughout the property. Before you put the home up for sale and seek the maximum profit, you must remove your items first.

Decluttering needs to be taken care of before you have photos of the home taken and posted on the listing. Decluttering will also help you determine the items you need to take to your new home and the items you need to get rid of.

6. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

If you’ve lived in your home for a long time and have raised a family, the chances are that the walls aren’t as clean as they could be. The way to combat this is to add a fresh coat of paint to the home’s interior.

Before you begin painting, we recommend you choose a paint color that is reflective of light. This means that when light hits the walls, it will reflect that light into the room and make it brighter. Several colors brighten a room up and give it the facelift it needs to attract the right buyer.

Selling Your Home Quickly For the Most Money

When you’re selling a home, there are selling points that can help you offload the home quickly and for the most profit. Do things like adding a fresh coat of paint, and don’t overlook removing the clutter from the exterior and interior of the home.

There are many ways to make your home look great before selling it, and we’ve provided you with a few above. Don’t forget to check out some of our other blogs for more tips, tricks, and pieces of advice.


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