What is the Cost of a DUI?

dui cost

The entire United States is doing its best to curb drinking and driving accidents. To accomplish fewer driving under-the-influence accidents, severe penalties are in place to discourage intoxicated drivers from getting behind the wheel. If convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), a motorist may face significant financial losses and possibly time in jail. And, according to The Law Offices of John Phebus, “Having more than one driving under the influence conviction on your criminal record will lead to more severe consequences and penalties for the second or subsequent DUI.”

Legal costs and administrative fees accompany a DUI, as well as many unseen costs that add up quickly.

A DUI conviction can lead to high legal costs. Prices vary based on how complicated the case is and how experienced the attorney is. In many circumstances, the defendant may spend between a few hundred and several thousand dollars for an experienced driving under the influence lawyer to represent them in court.

If the defendant is convicted of the DUI, they will also be responsible for paying fines and court fees. These can add up quickly and can cost thousands of dollars.

Administrative Expenses of a Driving Under the Influence Charge

Not only do legal costs mount quickly, but administrative costs can too. When pulled over, the vehicle that the driver was operating can sometimes be impounded. To get a car out of an impound lot can cost quite a bit, several hundred dollars in most circumstances.

If the driver is convicted, there is a chance that their driver’s license will be suspended or even revoked. Getting their license reinstated can be expensive, including spending money on driver’s education courses and other requirements the state mandates must meet to have a driver’s license reinstated.

Skyrocketing Insurance Following a DUI Conviction

With DUI convictions come increased insurance premiums. Insurance companies like to cover their bets, and if they are willing to cover a driver who has been convicted of driving under the influence, they will raise the cost of their insurance to cover the risk that it will happen again. This results in unaffordable insurance premiums.

Not all insurance companies will agree to continue insuring someone convicted of a DUI. Still, if they do, the driver can be assured that they will pay much more in insurance premiums over the next several years. This adds up to thousands of dollars over time for most drivers.

Indirect Costs of Driving Under the Influence

The costs discussed above are considered direct costs of a DUI, but it is also essential to consider the indirect costs that adversely impact a driver’s finances. Some of these indirect costs are as follows:

  • Lost wages can occur because of missed work. A driver may be forced to miss work to attend court or because they are in jail.
  • If the convicted party must spend an extended amount of time in jail, employers will rarely hold their jobs for them.
  • Lost productivity is a risk for self-employed workers.
  • Limited job opportunities happen when background checks are run on potential employees. Given a choice between employees during the hiring process, the DUI may cause employers to hesitate when considering who to hire.
  • Narrowed employment fields can happen because so many jobs require employees to drive. For insurance reasons and safety concerns, a person with a driving under the influence conviction may be overlooked when other “safer” drivers are considered for a position.

DUI Convictions Cost far More Than They are Worth

The negative financial impacts of a DUI offense should have all impaired drivers considering calling an Uber. This is why the rules are in place to discourage drunk driving, so the methods are working. By simply arranging for a designated driver or a ride-sharing service, you can avoid the stressful expenses that follow a DUI conviction.


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