Designing the Perfect Kitchen for Entertaining

kitchen for entertainment

Traditionally the kitchen was part of a home dedicated exclusively to the preparation of meals. In recent years, kitchens have cemented themself as the home’s heart and a social hub for friends and families to gather.

With the changing definition of a kitchen comes the need for designs to match this new purpose. A well-thought-out design becomes increasingly important if you want to have your kitchen as a place to entertain your guests.

This guide highlights some tips that you may want to consider for the perfect kitchen designs that will serve your purpose.

Consider the Size

Typical kitchens are usually way smaller than other rooms in the home because they are traditionally supposed to serve only one purpose; meal preparation. Entertaining is a whole different story because it could mean having several people over at once, which would mean needing more space to accommodate everyone.

If you are building your house from scratch, you must assign a bigger kitchen space. For an existing home, you could consider readjusting the home’s design layout to create room for a bigger kitchen. If you are acquiring one, let your agent know the size of the kitchen you want so they can match it with the perfect home.

Go For an Open Concept

The emphasis of a traditional kitchen is usually on functionality and privacy, and so have walls separating them from other parts of the home. On the other hand, the emphasis of an open kitchen is on practicality and accessibility, so there is no wall separating it from the living space.

This type of design makes it easier to move around and creates more space for entertaining if your kitchen is not big enough to accommodate large groups. An open kitchen is also ideal for families with young children because it allows for working in the kitchen while keeping an eye on your kids to ensure they do not run into danger.

Furniture and Cabinetry

Whether you are designing a kitchen for entertaining or not, its design should meet its practical purpose, and furniture and cabinetry are part of that. When choosing furniture and cabinetry for your kitchen, go for durable, appealing, and practical materials.

Materials such as ceramic, granite, and quarts are ideal for kitchen countertops and cabinets because of their durability and the touch of luxury they add to a home.

When entertaining in the kitchen, your guests will need some place to sit, so you may consider having an island with stools around it, a kitchenette set in the corner of the kitchen, or some comfy couches. There is no rule for the types of furniture to include in your kitchen, only make sure that it is made of the best material and serves the purpose.


Decorating a kitchen is an important part of the overall atmosphere you want to create. Color is the most obvious place to start in creating an inviting space. But you must consider the color for the rest of the house to ensure your themes are not crashing.

Wall hangings like floral prints or framed art pieces, photos of family and friends on a mantelpiece, or frames on the wall can be great conversation starters when guests arrive.

For a more immersive experience, consider items like rugs, potted plants, decorative accents such as knickknacks, or other interesting objects that reflect your style.

Funding Your Kitchen Upgrade Projects

A kitchen upgrade can be costly. But if you are desperate to change, you could consider taking a loan to upgrade it. The good thing is upgrading your kitchen increases the value of your home, so you do not have anything to lose.

Of all the different lending options, lines of credit backed by home equity are ideal for home upgrades for two main reasons: they have cheaper interest rates and fast approval.

Final Words

With careful planning and budgeting, you can have the ideal kitchen of your dreams without breaking the bank. Whether you’re hosting small gatherings or large events in your home, the tips highlighted above can give you ideas for an ideal kitchen for entertaining.


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