Need a Voice Acting Job? Follow These Tips

voice acting job tips

In 2022, the consumption of video and audio content has reached new limits, and as such, there are plenty of opportunities for a go-getting voice actor. However, you might have been searching for work and have had no luck. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to improve your chances of landing work. Here are a few tips you can follow to find more jobs as a voice actor.

Dedicated Voice-Over Agencies

If you are relatively new to voice acting, one of the easiest ways to find work would be by signing up with a dedicated voice-over agency. The great thing about many of these reliable voice-over agencies is that they are available online, so you don’t even need to leave home.

When choosing a voiceover platform to work with, you should go with one already established, such as Voquent. Agencies like Voquent allow you to create a profile, record a demo, be recommended to clients by the platform, and get free work with no strings attached and no sign-up fees. The clients also use the platform to look for you, rather than having to do the searching yourself.

Freelancing Websites

Another great option that you have at your disposal to find work as a voice actor would be to sign up with other freelancing websites that are available on the Internet.

These freelancing websites are similar to the dedicated voiceover agencies, except that you’ll have to find the work yourself once you have created a profile. When using a freelancing website, list all the relevant experiences under your belt since this will increase your chances of landing a gig. The more platforms to make money, the better.

Tips for Getting Auditions

Now that you know where to look for work as a voice actor, you need to begin focusing on other aspects to land jobs. Finding a job is one thing, but being accepted is entirely different. For example, if you are signed up with an online agency, you must ensure that your demo is out of this world.

More importantly, it would help if you were as active as possible. Creating profiles on as many sites as possible will expand your reach. Continuously reaching out to potential clients directly, participating in networking, and applying to casting calls will also help your chances. There are many methods of finding work, but taking part in all of them is what separates a professional voice actor from a part-timer.

Always Focus on Improvement

One of the most important things you can do if you are looking for a job as a voice actor would be to always focus on improvement. This doesn’t necessarily always need to mean your skills. However, that plays a significant role in whether or not you get a job. Taking a few voice-over classes or watching online tutorials never hurt anyone.

In addition, you need to start building your resume, and if you are struggling to get paid jobs, you should not throw away free opportunities as these count as experience, at least until you have enough paid experience. Every creative knows this cycle well, but it’s also a great way to learn before you take on professional work.


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