How Long is Schooling for Real Estate?

real estate school

Are you looking to become a real estate agent? Well, you probably have a few questions regarding the topic. How long is real estate school? This is the most common question that people have before they embark on their journey. To answer it, not that long compared to other professional licenses. Another question that people have is “Do you have to go to college to be a real estate agent?You are not required to have a bachelor’s degree if you want to have a career as a real estate agent. Having a high school diploma or something that is equivalent to it, you are good to go; also, there are some states that do not even require a high school diploma.

With that out of the way, the average time to get a real estate license is between 4 and 6 months if you decide to take the classes in person. If you prefer to do it online, then you can finish in 8 weeks. However, this depends on you and how much time you dedicate to learning. Now, let’s go over other factors that influence how long it will take for you to get a real estate license.

How Long is a Real Estate Course?

Real estate course length can depend on several factors. These factors are:

Number of State-Required Credit Hours or Courses

Depending on the state that you live in, there might be different requirements regarding the needed course hours. This can differ substantially as the state of Texas requires up to 180 hours while Florida requires 63 hours. This is quite a bit of a difference as in Texas it takes almost 3 times longer to finish the course. You should always contact the state real estate commission to learn how long it is going to take in your state.

Classroom or Online Classes

As we mentioned before, there is a difference between regular classroom classes and online classes. The more traditional way will definitely take you longer than online classes, but it all depends on how much time you dedicate to schoolwork. For example, even if you can finish online classes in as little as 8 weeks, it is only possible if you work really hard to accomplish it.

Time Dedicated to the Course and Studying

Here is where the difference between classroom classes and online classes comes from. Mainly, if you opt for regular classes, you will have certain time periods where you attend those classes. On the other hand, if you choose to take classes online, you will practically be able to access them at any given point. If you have enough free time, you can take the classes even at night. If that is the case, you are probably wondering, why anyone would pick regular classes over online. Well, if you have ample free time then online courses will definitely prove better for you. However, if you have a job or some other time-consuming tasks, then classroom classes are a better option. So, depending on your circumstances and how much time you can dedicate to studying will mainly determine how long it will take you to finish.

The Examination Process

Another question you might have is “How long is a real estate exam?” Again, depending on the state that you reside in, the process will probably vary from the rest. The main difference is that certain states have a system that is automated for both applications as well as examination processes. On the other hand, in certain states, this is not the case and it is done through the mail-in system which is quite slow as it can take weeks. So, as we mentioned, it is best that you contact the real estate commission in your state for any further information.

Passing the Exam

Lastly, another thing that might delay your real estate license is how many times you take to pass the final exam. Once the pre-license course is completed, you will be required to take the final exam. Of course, we all want to pass our exams on the first try. However, sometimes unexpected things might happen which can derail our plans. That being said, you do not have to worry about that. Make sure that you check the following beforehand: the number of times you can take the exam, how many times is the exam offered each year, how long you have to wait between, and if you are forced to wait longer if you happen to fail a couple of times.


All in all, we hope that we managed to answer your question regarding “How long is schooling for real estate” Depending on where you live and what form of classes you choose will mainly impact the length of your studies. However, no matter what, with enough dedication, it should not be long before you have your real estate license.


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