Wholesale Real Estate [What It Is And How To Do It]

Wholesale real estate is a great way to make plenty of money in the real estate market. It involves finding undervalued distressed properties and then selling them to buyers at a discount. The wholesaler does not purchase the property.

Instead, they sell it on the owner’s behalf. Wholesalers make money upfront by charging a fee for their services, which is usually a percentage of the property’s sale price.

To be a successful wholesaler, you need to have a good understanding of the market and be able to find properties that are below market value. You also need to be able to negotiate with sellers and get them to agree to sell the property to you at a discount.

One of the best ways to find below-market-price properties is to look for motivated sellers. These are sellers who are looking for a quick sale and are willing to negotiate on price. You can find motivated sellers by searching online listings, contacting real estate agents, or attending foreclosure auctions.

If you are thinking of getting into the wholesale real estate business, there are a few things you need to know. In this blog post, we will discuss what wholesale real estate is, how wholesalers make money, and some pros and cons of wholesale real estate investing.

What Is Wholesale Real Estate?

Wholesale real estate is a type of investment property acquired at a deep discount, usually 20 to 50 percent below market value. The investor then resells the property to a retail buyer, often for a significant profit.

These types of real estate investments can be a great way to make money, but it is important to do your research and know what you are doing before you get started.

Real estate wholesaling work is a great way to make money in the real estate market, but it takes some work to get started.

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for wholesale real estate deals. First, you need to find a motivated seller. This is usually a person who is facing foreclosure, divorce, or some other type of financial hardship. They will be more willing to negotiate on the property price and terms.

Next, you need to do your due diligence. This means researching and doing a title search to ensure it is a good deal. You do not want to overpay for a property or end up with a lemon. Finally, you need to have a solid exit strategy. This means knowing how and when you will sell the property.

You also need to have a real estate strategy for marketing the property and finding a buyer. If you can keep these things in mind, you will be on your way to success in the world of wholesale real estate.

How Real Estate Wholesalers Make Money

Wholesale transactions are a type of real estate deal where the buyer purchases a property from the seller at a price below its market value. The buyer then resells the property to another buyer at a higher price, pocketing the difference as profit.

To succeed at wholesaling, you need to have a good understanding of the real estate market, be able to find properties that are undervalued and have a network of buyers lined up so you can sell the property quickly.

Real estate wholesaling is a great way to make money in the real estate market, but it takes some work to get started.

The key to making money with wholesale real estate is by using marketing skills to find motivated sellers who are willing to sell their properties at a discount. This can be done in several ways, such as through direct marketing mailing list campaigns, online marketing, or simply by driving around looking for off- market properties that appear to be in distress.

Once you find a motivated seller, your next step is to do your due diligence and ensure the property is indeed a good deal. This includes running comps (comparable sales) to see what similar properties have sold for in the area and checking for any liens or other encumbrances on the property that could potentially eat into your profit margin.

Assuming everything looks good and you’re still excited about the deal, your next step is negotiating a purchase contract with the seller. Again, having an experienced real estate attorney or agent on your team is important to help you navigate the process and protect your interests.

Once you have a signed house under contract in hand, your next step is to find an active cash buyer interested in purchasing the property from you. This can be done via online marketing platforms such as MLS listings or classified ads websites like Craigslist. Or, if you know any investor buyers in your area, you can reach out to them directly and let them know about the opportunity.

Once you find a future buyer interested in the property, it is time to “assign” or “resell” the contract to them. This simply means that you are selling them the right to purchase the property from you at the price specified in the real estate assignment contract.

You will typically charge an assignment fee of $5-$10k on top of this price, which is part of the closing costs when they purchase the property from the seller.

Congratulations! You have now completed a wholesale real estate transaction!

What Is An Example Of Wholesale Real Estate?

Wholesale Real Estate What Is An Example Of Wholesale Real Estate

An example of wholesale real estate is a property purchased below market value and then resold at a higher price. The investor makes money by taking advantage of the difference in prices. This type of investment opportunity requires a lot of research and understanding of the real estate market.

Another type of wholesale real estate is a fix-and-flip. In this type of investment, the investor buys a property, fixes it up, and then sells it for a profit. This can be a risky investment, but if done correctly, it can be quite profitable.

A wholesale real estate investing strategy can be a great way to make upfront capital in the real estate market. It is important to do your research and understand the market before making any financial investment.

Fix, and flips can be a great way to make money in the real estate market. If you do your research and understand the market before making any investment, you can minimize your risk and maximize your profits.

How To Wholesale Real Estate

If you are interested in wholesaling real estate, there are a few things you should know. First, find a motivated seller who is willing to sell their property at a discounted price. Then, find an investor who is interested in purchasing the property.

Next, negotiate a contract with the seller that assigns the rights to purchase the property to the investor. Finally, close on the property and collect your assignment fee.

Wholesale real estate is a great way to make money in the real estate industry. However, it is crucial to understand the process before getting started. If you follow the steps outlined above, you will be able to wholesale a property successfully.

Conduct Research

Conduct Research Wholesale Real Estate

You must do your homework first if you are considering getting into the wholesale real estate business. You’ll need to research the market trends in your area to find out what properties are selling for and what kinds of properties are in demand. You will also need to find out what kind of financing is available to you and what kind of down payment you will need to make.

Once you have all this information, you will be property to wholesale ready!

You should also be aware of the potential risks involved in the wholesale real estate business. There are a few things that could go wrong, such as not finding any buyers for the property you are trying to sell or not being able to secure financing. If you are not careful, you could end up losing massive amounts of money on a deal.

However, as long as you do your homework and understand the risks involved, you should be able to make a good profit from wholesale real estate.

The best way to avoid any potential problems is to work with an experienced and reputable real estate broker. They will be able to help you find the right properties and guide you through the process. You should also make sure to get all the necessary inspections and appraisals done before you try to sell the property.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that you make a good profit from your wholesale real estate business.

Locate A Distressed Property

If you are interested in wholesale real estate, one of the best ways to find a deal is to look for distressed sellers. This could be a potential property that’s in foreclosure, has a lot of outstanding liens, or is otherwise in financial trouble. You can find these properties by searching online listings, talking to real estate agents, or going to courthouses to look for foreclosure filings.

Once you have found a real property you’re interested in, you will need to make an offer to the property owner or bank handling the property. If your offer is accepted, you’ll then need to find a buyer for the property. You can find a list of buyers for your property by advertising it online, through real estate agents, or by word of mouth.

You can also find a buyer by going through a real estate professional specializing in finding buyers for properties. This is a good option if you don’t have a period of time to find a buyer yourself.

Do The Math And Due Diligence

Do The Math And Due Diligence Wholesale Real Estate

Wholesale real estate is a great way to make money in the real estate market, but it is important to do your homework and ensure you understand the numbers involved. In addition, you need to know what you are getting into before you sign any contracts.

Before you sign any contracts, you should consult with a real estate attorney to make sure you understand all of the legal aspects of the deal. You should also have a firm understanding of the financials involved, including any potential risks and rewards.

Once you have a clear understanding of the deal, you can then make an informed decision about whether or not to move forward.

If you are not sure whether or not you want to move forward with a particular deal, you can always walk away from it. There is no shame in deciding that a particular deal is not right for you, and it is better to walk away from a bad deal than to sign a contract that you will regret later.

Contact The Seller

Once you have found a distressed property that you think would be a good fit for wholesale, it is time to contact the seller. You will need to negotiate a temporary contract with them for the sale of the property. If you are not experienced in negotiating, it is best to consult with a real estate attorney or agent. They can help you navigate the process and get the best possible price for the property.

Perform Due Diligence

Due diligence is key when wholesaling real estate. First, you need to make sure that the property is actually in distress and that you understand all of the legalities involved. This can be a lot of work, but it is essential to protecting your investment.

It is also important to have a solid exit strategy in place before you make an offer on a property. This will help you determine how much to offer and how to structure the deal.

An exit strategy is especially important if you are planning on flipping the property.

You need to know how much you can afford to spend on the property, how much you can realistically expect to make on the sale, and when you need to have the property sold. Without a solid exit strategy, it is easy to overpay for a property and end up losing money on the deal.

Obtain A Property Contract

Wholesale Real Estate Obtain A Property Contract

Once you have negotiated a contract with the seller, it is time to get a property contract in place and get the property under contract. This will outline all of the terms of your agreement and protect both you and the seller in case anything goes wrong.

If you are working with a real estate agent, they will likely have a standard contract for you to use. If you are not working with a licensed agent, you can find a contract template online. Once you have the contract, both you and the seller will need to sign it. Make sure you read the contract carefully before you sign it, as it will be binding.

The Double Close

Double closings are one of the most popular methods for wholesaling real estate, and it’s also one of the simplest. In a double close, you simply find a buyer for the property and then sell them your contract for an agreed-upon price. One of the benefits of the double close is that it allows you to avoid some of the risks associated with wholesaling real estate.

For example, if you were to find a buyer for a property and then try to find a seller, you would be taking on the risk that the property might not sell.

However, if you find a buyer and then sell them your contract, you know that the property will sell because you have already found a buyer. Another benefit of the double close is that it can help you avoid some of the legal risks associated with wholesaling real estate.

Find A Cash Buyer

Find A Cash Buyer Wholesale Real Estate

The first step in a real estate wholesaling business is to find a cash buyer. You can do this by attending real estate networking events or working with a real estate agent specializing in investment properties. Once you have found a potential buyer, it’s important to run a background check and get all the necessary financial information.

After you have found a cash buyer and gathered all the necessary financial information, you need to find a property that meets their needs. You can do this by searching online or working with a real estate agent. Once you have found a property, it’s important to negotiate a fair market price and get all the necessary paperwork in order.

It is also important to make sure that the property is in good condition before you finalize the sale. You can do this by hiring a home inspector to check for any problems. If you find any problems, you can either negotiate a lower price or have the seller fix the problem before you finalize the sale.

Reassign The Contract To The Buyer

Once you have found a qualified buyer, the next step is to reassign the contract to them. This means you will be signing over the rights to purchase the property to the buyer. In most cases, you will use a standard real estate contract for this process. The only thing that will be different is that you will include language specifying that you are assigning the contract to the buyer.

You will also need to include your contact information so the buyer can reach you if they have any questions. Once you have reassigned the contract, your role in the transaction will be complete. The buyer will then be responsible for working with the seller to finalize the purchase.

I recommend that you include your contact information in the contract so that the buyer can easily reach you if they have any questions. You may also want to provide your contact information to the seller so that they can easily reach you if they have any questions about the purchase.

Pros And Cons Of Wholesale Real Estate


Make Money In Less Time

Make Money In Less Time Wholesale Real Estate

Wholesaling real estate is a shorter process than a traditional sale. The typical wholesale deal consists of four steps:

Finding the property

Negotiating with the seller

Contracting the property

Selling the contract to a buyer

This does not mean that every deal will close in four weeks, but it is possible to do so. The time-consuming part of traditional real estate transactions is obtaining financing from a bank. Banks have strict guidelines and can take 30-45 days to approve a loan.

In contrast, most hard money lenders can fund a deal in 7-14 days. This means wholesalers can close deals much faster than traditional real estate investors.

This is especially helpful for wholesale properties that are in poor condition and need to be repaired quickly. By using a hard money lender, wholesalers can close on a property, make the necessary repairs, and then sell the property for a profit.

No Credit Is Involved, And Little Cash Required

Another advantage of wholesale real estate is that it requires little credit and cash to get started. Unlike traditional real estate investing, you do not need a perfect credit score or a large down payment to acquire properties through wholesaling.

To qualify for a conventional loan, you will need at least good credit and a 5% down payment. However, many hard money lenders work with potential investors with less-than-perfect credit and can still fund deals if the investor has enough skin in the game (i.e., they bring some cash to the table).

Learn About The Real Estate Market

Learn About The Real Estate Market Wholesale Real Estate

Wholesaling also allows you to gain experience in the real estate market without being an owner-occupant or having to take on all of the risks associated with being a landlord. You will learn about different types of properties, how to negotiate with potential sellers, and how to find buyers who are willing to pay top dollar for your deals.

If you are thinking about getting into the real estate market, wholesaling is a great way to start. You can learn the ropes without taking on all the risks and responsibilities that come with being a landlord or an owner-occupant. So give it a try and see if it is right for you.


Difficulty Finding Buyers

Finding potential cash buyers willing to pay top dollar for your deals can be difficult at times; however, there are several ways to find them.

First, you need a way to collect contact information for potential buyers. This can be done by creating a simple website with a form allowing visitors to input their contact information. You can also use social media or print marketing materials to drive traffic to your website.

Once you have collected contact information for potential buyers, you need to develop a method for organizing and storing this information. One way to do this is by using customer relationship management (CRM) software like Contractually or HubSpot.

By inputting buyer information into your CRM, you will be able to track interactions, set follow-up tasks, and quickly pull up the most relevant information when you need it.

Creating a process for regularly following up with your buyer’s list is also important. This might involve sending out monthly newsletters, calling people on your list from time to time, or emailing them when you have new properties available. By staying in touch with your buyers, you will be more likely to find success in wholesale real estate.

No Guaranteed Income

Wholesale Real Estate No Guaranteed Income

Wholesale real estate is a type of business where investors buy properties in bulk, usually at a discounted price, and then sell them to other investors or retail buyers. There is no guaranteed steady income with this type of investment, as profits are based on the difference between the purchase and selling prices. This business can be risky, as the property market can fluctuate, but it can also be very rewarding if done correctly.

One of the best things about wholesale real estate is that it is relatively low risk. As they say, you are not putting all of your eggs in one basket, so if one property does not sell, you are not left high and dry. Additionally, you can often get properties at a fraction of their market value, which leaves you plenty of room to make a profit when you sell.

Of course, you need to be aware of the market and make sure you are not overpaying for a property, but if you do your homework, there is a good chance you will be successful.

Staying On Top Of An Organized Buyers List

If you are in the wholesale real estate business, it is important to stay on top of your buyer’s list. This can be done by keeping your list organized and up to date. You can use a software program to help you with this, or you can simply use a spreadsheet. Either way, you need to make sure that you know who is on your buyer lists and that you can quickly get in touch with them when you need to.

If you have a good relationship with your buyers, they will be more likely to work with you again in the future. This means that you need to stay in touch with them and keep them updated on your latest deals. You can do this by sending them emails, calling them on the phone, or cold calling. If you can keep your buyers happy, they will be more likely to work with you again in the future.

You should also try to get feedback from your buyers so that you can improve your business. You can do this by asking them to fill out a survey or by sending them an email. If you can get feedback from your buyers, you will be able to improve your business and make it more successful.

What Is Involved In Running A Wholesale Real Estate Business

Wholesale Real Estate What Is Involved In Running A Wholesale Real Estate Buisness

Wholesale real estate investing is not for everyone – it takes dedication, hard work, and perseverance. But if you are willing to put in the effort, it can be an incredibly rewarding business venture. Here are some of the key things that are involved in running a wholesale real estate business:

1) Finding Properties: The first step is finding properties suitable for wholesale. This involves research and networking within the local real estate market.

2) Negotiating Contracts: Once you have found a property that meets your criteria, the next step is negotiating a contract with the seller. This can be challenging, as you will need to get the best possible price for the property while still making sure there is enough room for profit when reselling it.

3) Finding Buyers: The third step is finding buyers interested in purchasing the property from you at the agreed-upon price point. This part of the business requires marketing and sales skills as well as knowledge of the local market conditions.

Is It Possible To Wholesale Real Estate Remotely?

Wholesaling real estate remotely or virtually involves buying and selling a property remotely. Basically, you buy a property at a price below the market price and then search for a buyer to sell it for a higher price to make a profit. You can do it entirely online.

It is possible to wholesale real estate remotely by finding properties online and then assigning them to a local buyer. If you can find undervalued properties, it is possible to buy them below market prices and then sell them at higher prices online to make a profit. This can be a great way to get started in the real estate business without investing a lot of money or time.

Wholesaling Real Estate Vs. Flipping Houses

Wholesaling Real Estate Vs. Flipping Houses

Wholesaling real estate is the process of finding deeply discounted properties and then selling them to investors for a quick profit. Flipping houses is very similar but requires more work and time investment. Both strategies can be profitable, but it depends on the market conditions and the amount of effort you are willing to put in.

The cost of repairs when flipping a house can be expensive and time-consuming. If the repairs are not done correctly, it can lead to even more expenses and delays in selling the house. It is important to get quotes from reputable contractors and to get multiple estimates to ensure that the repairs will be done correctly and within budget.

Do You Need A License To Wholesale Real Estate?

There is much debate on whether or not you need a license to wholesale real estate. The main argument is that since you are not the one selling the property, you are not acting as a real estate agent. Therefore, you should not need a license. However, some states do require you to have a license to engage in wholesaling activities.

What Is A Wholesale Real Estate Contract?

Wholesale Real Estate What Is A Wholesale Real Estate Contract

A Wholesale Real Estate Contract is a contract between a real estate wholesaler and a property seller. The contract assigns the right to purchase the property to the wholesaler. The wholesaler then attempts to find a buyer for the property with the hope of selling it for a profit.

There are two types of wholesale real estate contracts:

1) An assignment of the contract, and

2) A double-close contract.

An assignment contract allows the buyer to assign the contract to another party, typically an investor, before the sale is complete. A double-close contract closes on the same day the buyer assigns the contract to another party.

The most significant difference between a wholesale real estate contract and a standard purchase agreement is that wholesalers will often include an option for the buyer to cancel the agreement without penalty if they are unable to find a suitable replacement property within a specified timeframe. This protects both parties in case something goes wrong during the transaction.

Can You Lose Money Wholesaling Real Estate?

Yes, it is possible to lose money when wholesaling real estate. This usually happens when the wholesaler does not do their due diligence or research properly and ends up overpaying for the property. It can also happen if the property needs more repair costs than initially thought and the wholesaler does not have enough cash reserves to cover those costs.

Another way that wholesalers can lose money is if they do not have a solid exit strategy in place and end up holding onto properties for too long while they try to find buyers. This can tie up their capital unnecessarily and lead to missed opportunities elsewhere. Therefore, it is extremely important to do your due diligence and research before investing in wholesale real estate.

Can A Seller Back Out Of A Wholesale Contract?

Wholesale Real Estate Can A Seller Back Out Of A Wholesale Contract

Sellers can back out of wholesale contracts, but there are typically consequences involved if they do so without cause. For example, if there was already an agreed-upon purchase price, then backing out could result in having to pay liquidated damages to the buyer (usually 3-5% of the total purchase price).

Additionally, suppose there was already an investor lined up who was going to buy from you. In that case, you may have trouble finding another willing buyer, which could lead you to sell at a lower price so that you don’t incur any more losses yourself.

How Much Do Real Estate Wholesalers Make?

Real estate wholesalers typically make between 2-10% of the property’s total purchase price. This depends on several factors, such as the location and condition of the property, how much work needs to be done, and whether or not there is already a buyer lined up. As a real state wholesaler, you can make anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per wholesale deal, depending on the abovementioned factors.

In general, real estate wholesalers can make more money on properties that need more work because they will be able to add value by doing the necessary repairs themselves. They can also make more money on properties in desirable locations because those will be easier to sell.


Wholesale real estate is a great way to make money in the short term, but it does come with some risks. The biggest risk is paying too much for a property and not being able to sell it for a profit. It is also possible to lose money if you cannot find a buyer or if you have to hold onto the property for too long while trying to find one.

Despite these risks, wholesaling real estate can be a very profitable business if you can do it correctly. If you are interested in wholesaling real estate, then be sure to do your research and always know what you are getting yourself into before signing any contracts.

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