10 Signs You Have What it Takes to Become a Great Manager

becoming great manager

Great managers are an essential part of any organization. They help team members excel at their job while ensuring they work well together. If you’re going to be a great manager, you have to have a few key traits. Here are ten signs that you have what it takes.

1. You Coach And Challenge Your Colleagues 

Great managers are fearless in giving their team members feedback on how they can improve. They also don’t shy away from helping their team members when needed. They know that by providing constructive criticism and guidance, they’re helping their employees develop better skills and become more valuable at their jobs.

2. You’re Not A Big Fan Of Micromanagement

One of the essential skills to develop as a manager is learning how to manage others effectively. But since this is not innate, many managers need to work on this skill.

If there’s one thing that all great managers have in common, it’s that they can let their employees do their jobs without interfering too much. Micromanagement stifles creativity and productivity. If you’re telling your team explicitly what needs doing rather than letting them figure out how best to perform tasks on their own, they’ll never be able to handle unforeseen challenges – and neither will anyone else on your team.

You might make a great manager if you believe people should be guided through problem-solving rather than constant micromanagement.

3. You Know How To Delegate Well

Delegation is one of the most critical skills a manager must have because it ensures that tasks are efficiently handled so that everyone has less work on their plates – including yourself. Delegation doesn’t mean giving away all of your responsibilities, though; it simply means passing on responsibilities that can be handled by someone else instead of taking it all on yourself.

4. You’re A Good Communicator

The ability to communicate well is crucial for anyone who wants to be a great manager because it’s the key that unlocks relationships with others. Good communication means speaking clearly and concisely so that people can understand you, as well as attentively listening so that you can understand them. It also means speaking without jargon and using clear and understandable words by everyone in the organization.

5. You Work Well With Others

Great managers understand that success depends on how well they get along with their team members. If you’re not a natural people person, you can improve your skills by listening, asking questions and being more empathetic.

6. You Have Good Problem-Solving Skills

Great leaders know how to manage problems as well as opportunities. They view every challenge as an opportunity for growth and improvement and look for solutions rather than excuses or blame. The best managers also know how to trust employee solutions so that others can take ownership of situations, and solving problems becomes a team strength.

7. You’re Decisive

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from making decisions, then your future is bright. Great managers can make decisions quickly and confidently. They trust their experience and use their knowledge of the industry. This characteristic may seem simple at first glance, but it takes great self-confidence, especially when people are paying attention to you and looking for guidance. It is also a great skill to know how to differentiate between when to stand by your choices and when someone is raising a criticism that should be taken into account. If you can take action without fearing a conversation where someone might challenge you or disagree with your decision, then you have what it takes.

8. You Can Handle Conflict Well

Great managers understand that conflict is inevitable in any workplace, but they don’t let it get in the way of their relationship with their employees. They use conflict as an opportunity to improve team dynamics and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding goals and expectations. Great managers also know how to handle themselves during conflicts within their teams. Instead of taking sides, they’ll ask each party involved for their views and consider them when providing a resolution. Hence, both parties feel heard and understood before determining an appropriate response or solution for resolving the issue. 

9. You’re Productive And Results Oriented

A great manager knows how to get things done, and you can expect them to have their finger on the pulse of every aspect of their business. They have an eye for detail and understand how everything fits together for their company to succeed. They know how long specific tasks should take, so they’ll be able to give realistic deadlines when delegating projects.

10. You Give Honest Feedback

Giving constructive and timely feedback is essential to the growth of your team. When it’s done correctly, it can be a gift: a way for you to help someone grow and improve their performance. However, if you deliver negative feedback in an unhelpful way or at the wrong time, it can make your employees feel disrespected and unmotivated rather than inspired. Good managers communicate openly and honestly with their employees, correcting issues as they arise with compassion and understanding. They know their employees will feel appreciated when criticism is used as a learning experience in everyday communication rather than being blindsided by a conversation where they are presented with a list of inadequacies. 

Consider A Master’s In Business Management

It’s a common misconception that leaders are born, not made. But the truth is, anyone can become a manager. All it takes is the proper training and mindset.

If you want to build your management skills, consider getting a master’s in business management online from an institution such as Aston University. A master’s degree offers advanced training in business management, leadership and human resources. Graduates of MBA programs can find careers as chief executives or senior-level managers in companies across industries.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your career or have been working for years, an MBA can help you realize your dream of becoming a manager.

Final Thought

The bottom line is that there are a lot of different skills and qualities that go into making someone a good manager. It’s not just about having the right experience but also knowing how to manage a diverse team of people and communicate effectively with others. This can be difficult at first, but it’s something that, with practice over time, anyone can master.


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