6 Profitable Activities You Can Do When You Own a Large Pool

activities large pool

Do you have a large pool in your backyard? Owning a large pool can be great – you get to luxuriate in the sunshine and stay cool during those hot summer months. But what if we told you that there is more than meets the eye about owning your very own big pool? You could even turn it into a money-maker!

In this blog post, we’ll explore six profitable activities that you can do with your large pool and make extra income for yourself. From hosting events to creating swimming lessons for children, there are some lucrative options waiting for you – discover them all here!

1. Start a Franchise

If you have the space and resources, renting out your pool for events can be a great way to make extra money. From birthday parties to wedding receptions, there are plenty of people looking for unique spaces where they can host special occasions – and your large pool could just be what they’re after!

With a franchise, you can rent out your pool space to special event companies and make a great income. Namely, the team at britishswimschoolfranchise.com say that you can come up with a catchy slogan and promote your franchise online to draw in customers quickly. The key is to think about what you can offer that no one else does, and use that to your advantage.

2. Teach Swim Classes

If you own a large pool, teaching swim classes can be an excellent way to provide a valuable service and earn some added income. At-home instruction is increasingly popular for swimming now and makes it safer and easier than ever for people to learn or improve their skills in familiar surroundings. You can offer swimming classes to kids of all ages – from toddlers just beginning to explore the water to teens longing for the confidence that comes with mastering a new skill. Scheduling classes should be straightforward since your pool allows the entire program to take place in one space; no need to keep shifting locations while they progress!

And don’t forget about adults – offering swimming lessons tailored just for them may be the most unique and profitable revenue stream of all. Whatever you decide, creating a swim class program offers an opportunity to combine something you love with delivering a much-appreciated service.

3. Rent Out Your Pool

teach swim classes

If you have a large, luxurious pool in your backyard, you can put it to use and make a profit. Consider renting out the pool per hour or day to interested parties who want a refreshing dip, without the money and commitment of buying their own. It’s an easy way to bring in extra revenue as well as have others appreciate your beautiful water feature.

You get to decide what kind of rental guidelines for use and frequency you’d like to enforce, so you can remain in control at all times. Whether it’s for summertime swimming or simply just a refreshing escape from everyday life, opening up your pool for rent will be an activity that offers an extraordinary boost to both your pocketbook and your home’s levels of hospitality.

4. Open a Pool Café

Adjacent to your large pool is a wonderful opportunity – setting up an outdoor café. Serving drinks and snacks will allow your guests the convenience of not having to leave the area when they get hungry or thirsty. Furthermore, you’ll be able to enjoy the appeal of al fresco dining with unrivaled views of your pool and other areas at the complex. Invite customers to relax in a peaceful atmosphere as they savor delicious concoctions and light refreshments, plus bask in the glorious sunshine and all that nature has to offer. Start off small by choosing a few tasty treats, then watch how your open-air setup brings people back again and again!

5. Offer Pool Maintenance

Providing pool maintenance services is a great way to capitalize on your large pool. You can do it yourself or hire professionals to keep the area looking its best, which is beneficial for everyone involved – from regular users to those who rent out the space. Keeping up with cleaning and maintenance of your pool will free you up more time while also earning you some extra money. Offer to provide a package deal that includes inspecting and maintaining the pool, as well as any additional landscaping around the area. Plus, including other amenities like replacement parts or chemical treatments for algae growth can help set your business apart from others in the area. With proper maintenance, you’ll keep your pool looking good year-round and make sure your customers enjoy a safe, enjoyable experience every time.

6. Create an Events Venue

Large pools are also the perfect destination for events, such as parties and weddings. Private hire can be an excellent way to take advantage of your pool setup by allowing different groups and individuals to rent out the space for special occasions. Whether it’s a birthday bash or a wedding reception, setting up a large pool complex will no doubt be a hit among all of your guests. Plus, you don’t have to limit yourself; consider offering other services such as catering and entertainment, to create a truly memorable experience for everyone! With these added touches, your venue can become the go-to spot for any special event.

Owning a large pool can be the gateway to a world of opportunities. Not only can you host private parties and rent out your pool, but you can also use it as a platform to teach children life-saving skills like swimming and offer water aerobics classes. Opening a poolside café is also a great way to make more money, allowing you to enjoy time in the pool as well as snacks and drinks for everyone who visits it! With some creative thinking and dedication, owning a large pool is definitely a profitable investment that anyone can make. With these 6 activities, you can maximize the potential of your large pool and use it to create an entirely new space for relaxation and recreation.


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