8 Top Questions to Include in Your Employee Engagement Survey

employee engagement survey

Effective employee engagement is essential for any business, as it can result in better performance and productivity. A great way to measure the level of engagement within your organization is by conducting an employee engagement survey. This survey should include questions that provide insight into how motivated employees are, what they think of their job roles, and what areas need improvement. Here are some of the top questions to consider including in your next employee engagement survey.

1. Ask questions about job satisfaction

One of the most important components of any employee engagement survey is questions about job satisfaction. Questions of this nature are key to understanding how motivated, engaged, and satisfied your employees are with their roles. According to Workhuman’s post on employee engagement surveys, these types of questions should focus on employees’ overall satisfaction with their roles and individual opinion on the work they are doing. These questions should assess overall feelings and attitudes towards the job itself, as well as individual job-specific elements such as workload, hours, responsibilities, and challenges. They should also provide insights into how employees feel about specific areas of their roles such as decision making or management style.

2. Include questions that focus on employee motivation and engagement

Asking questions about employee motivation and engagement is essential to understand what motivates your employees, how they are engaged in their work, and which improvements can be made to increase performance. These questions should ask about the level of enthusiasm employees feel for their job, how committed they are to the company’s goals, and how well they think their individual contribution is recognized. Additionally, these questions should explore the ways in which workplaces can be made more inviting for employees to express themselves creatively and openly.

3. Gauge employees’ understanding of their roles and responsibilities

A great way to measure how well employees understand their roles and responsibilities is to ask them questions such as, “Do you think your job description accurately describes the tasks and duties you must perform in your role?” or “Do you feel that the expectations set for your role are clear?”. This will give insight into whether employees feel confident in their job tasks and if they have a good understanding of what is expected from them.

4. Inquire about the level of communication between management and staff

Having clear and consistent communication between management and staff is essential for a healthy workplace environment. Ask your employees questions related to the frequency of communication, as well as the efficacy of those conversations. Questions such as “How often do you receive information from leadership?” or “Do you feel that you have enough opportunity to provide feedback on decisions made by management?” will give insight into how well employees are being kept in the loop regarding company matters. Additionally, it will also reveal any gaps in communication that may be hindering progress or employee morale.

5. Find out if employees are given enough resources to do their jobs well

Employees need resources in order to be successful in their jobs. Without the right tools, processes, and support, they will not be able to do their best work. Finding out if employees are given enough resources to do their job well is an important part of understanding employee engagement. Ask questions that focus on the quality and quantity of resources as well as whether or not employees think these resources are adequate for doing their jobs effectively. With this information, you can better understand how your organization’s resources impact employee performance and satisfaction.

It’s essential to assess how effective your company policies and procedures are in helping employees feel engaged and productive. By asking questions like, “Do you feel that the amount of support given to your team meets expectations?” or “Are the office policies enforced fairly,” you can get a better understanding of how well your existing systems work for employees. You may also want to ask if there are any changes that could be made to improve employee engagement overall. This will help ensure that each individual feels heard and taken care of by their employer, leading to higher morale and productivity throughout the organization as a whole.

7. Evaluate employees’ overall feelings towards the company culture

The company culture is the environment that employees are in day-to-day, and can be one of the most important contributing factors to employee engagement. Ask your employees to rate their overall feelings towards the company culture on a scale from 1 (very negative) to 5 (very positive). This will give you an idea of how well your culture is resonating with your employees and what areas you need to work on. Additionally, consider asking open-ended questions like “What do you think could make our company culture better?” and “How would you describe our company culture in three words?” These types of questions can provide invaluable insights into how people perceive the workplace atmosphere.

8. Ask for suggestions on how to improve employee engagement levels

Asking employees what can be improved to increase employee engagement in the workplace is a great way to gain insights from staff about how their work experience could be enhanced. This question can help identify specific areas that need attention, such as better communication or better recognition of achievements. It also shows that management values employees’ opinions and is open to new ideas for improvement. Asking this question encourages feedback and dialogue between management and staff which can result in improved overall morale and job satisfaction. Asking both current and former employees this question can provide valuable insight into what works well, what would be good additions, and where changes should be made.

Employee engagement surveys are a valuable tool for assessing how engaged employees are in their work and what can be done to improve morale. By asking the right questions, employers can get an accurate picture of the overall sentiment among their workforce. The eight questions outlined above will provide organizations with insight into how well they are doing when it comes to employee engagement levels, and give them the information they need to make positive changes that will benefit both employees and the bottom line.


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