3 Ways to Add Value to Your Home Before Putting It on the Market

value to home

When it comes time to sell your home on the real estate market, it’s essential to take several steps to improve its overall appearance and structural integrity. Doing so can make it worth more money and help you get back more on your significant investment. However, there are many renovation options that you can choose from, and you must pick the best. The following three upgrades will make your house worth more on the housing market.

1. Renovating Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the most critical room in the house in so many ways. It’s often the house’s most commonly visited area, where food is prepared and guests are entertained. As a result, renovating your kitchen can significantly increase your home’s value before putting it on the market.

Many different processes can improve your kitchen’s value. For example, according to Countertop Advisor, new countertops increase a home’s value by about three times the countertop’s value. However, these benefits only occur if you install them professionally rather than DIY.

That’s because professionals will understand the steps necessary for these upgrades and can ensure they’re done right. Importantly, they can avoid common mistakes that might decrease your home’s value. These include installing inappropriate colors or poor installation processes.

Thankfully, most kitchen renovation companies can provide upgrade help for almost every area of your house. They’ll take the time to work with you and help you understand each step. This process gives you the best kitchen countertops, appliances, walls, and floors possible.

2. Upgrading Your HVAC System

Your home’s HVAC system is critical for comfort because it can keep your house from getting too hot or cold. However, many people haven’t upgraded their systems in years and need significant renovations to make them more efficient. These steps ensure that your home is worth more on the market.

If you’re not sure who to contact about this process, you should have plenty of options from which to choose. That’s because, according to Onedesk, the global market value of the HVAC industry is about $240.8 billion. That means there are many companies available to help you.

Choose one based on their expertise, understanding of your HVAC system, and pricing. You want someone who understands your systems and can give you the hands-on support you need. Furthermore, choosing a contractor with fair and reasonable pricing is essential.

So, don’t just choose the first contractor you find and hope for the best. Instead, get them into a bidding war for your money by talking to multiple professionals. Doing so can help you better understand their benefits and ensure things go smoothly and efficiently.

3. Installing a New Roof

Lastly, upgrading your roof is important for your home’s heating, cooling, and curb appeal. A better roof gives your home better HVAC protection and can also help it last a lot longer. That’s because even the cheapest roof will last 20 years or more, making it a smart investment.

For example, according to our sources, a new asphalt roof will typically last you about 15-30 years. They’re among the least expensive roofing options but add back a large amount of their investment. That gives them the ROI you need to make good cash on your sale.

Other roofs may last longer and make your home worth even more. For example, metal roofs can last over 100 years and require minimal maintenance. That said, they’re much more expensive than asphalt roofs and may only return a similar value on the market.

Try to plan these simple upgrades months before you put your home on the market to give your contractors time to finish them. Also, don’t forget to take any other steps that might make your home worth more money, such as upgrading your landscaping, putting in new windows, installing new doors, and painting the exterior. Just make sure your renovations improve your home’s appeal to buyers in your area.


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