7 Tips for Your Insurance Website

tips insurance website

Did you know, that if you are an average website page reader, I only have your attention for the next 15 seconds?

That’s how long it takes for people to get bored of a website and click away. This means you need to make the biggest impact you can in the least amount of time. If you truly want your website to be effective in attracting new clients and driving sales, you really need to do something special to capture and hold people’s attention. As an insurance agent, your livelihood and success as a business depend on this. The longer you can get a web surfer to stay on your page and actually read the information they are looking at, the better chance you have of making a successful sale.

But, you’re an insurance agent, not a web design expert…

How can you build a powerful website that holds your client’s attention and actually moves them to action? If this is the question in your mind right now, here are just seven useful top tips for website design so that you can create an effective tool for your insurance business:

  1. Make it user-friendly. If your website is difficult to use and your important information is tricky to find, you won’t have people’s attention for long. Think carefully about the plan for your website so that you can create a layout that is visually appealing, practical, and easy to navigate and use. Visitors to your website should be able to find exactly what they are looking for quickly – if they can’t, they will likely give up and look elsewhere. Use bold headers, informative lists, and appealing photos. You can achieve this either with the help of a professional website designer and builder or by using a system to build the site yourself. Either way, customise it to fit your business and attract your target audience. There are even certain themes specifically designed for insurance businesses that are professional looking, appealing, and versatile to suit your specific needs. There are also specialist website designers, like iLife linked here, that are experts in designing websites for insurance sellers.
  2. Think about the color. Think carefully about the overall color scheme of your website as this will be a focal point for customers that will attract people and retain their attention. Pick a color that fits in with your business and branding so that people can quickly associate the website with what they may have seen about you already. When it comes to call-to-action buttons, make the color stand out and pop to really grab people’s attention.
  3. Keep it simple. Don’t make things too overwhelming by filling the page with color and information. This will create a cluttered, unprofessional look that will just distract visitors to the point of leaving the website altogether. Use bold headlines together with contrasting white space to highlight the key points of the message you want to convey to the visitors to your website. Simple designs attract more customers and also have a hand in making the web pages load quicker too (more on why that is helpful later!). Resist the urge to add every picture, include every graphic and implement every element, and focus on the important ones.
  4. Create a nice and natural flow. This involves getting a little bit into the mind of your clients and thinking about what they are most likely going to want to see and read on your website. Think about the order of priority when it comes to listing the pages on your site. Consider what clients tend to want first, such as a quote, and list it first. Consistently keep the call to action at the top of the homepage, regardless of any other pages they click on, so that it is easy to locate and follow through. Additionally, an important snippet on the information you need to make obvious is your contact information which you could keep either at the footer or the header of your website so that it’s readily accessible.
  5. Allow clients to get an online quote. If a potential customer can quickly get a quote by entering just a few details online, they will be more likely to pursue it than if they had to go through a long-winded process or make an appointment with an insurance agent. A provider that doesn’t have this facility on their website will be a lot less popular than one that does. By utilizing this option, clients have an improved experience with your business, but you will also have access to important information that helps you to stay competitive as an agency.
  6. Add a personal touch. Successful sales are often helped by making personal connections. Write an About Us page so that clients can get to know the people being the brand and the story of the business. When potential customers can see the faces of the employees in your team, it will add a personal element to your business and attract people in that way. This is the first step in building strong relationships with new clients and existing customers which is going to have a positive impact on the success of your sales. It is a relatively easy thing to include on your website but will go a long way in improving the effectiveness of it.
  7. Design webpages that load fast and work on mobiles too. Almost 90% of website users won’t go back to it if they’ve had a bad experience. One instance of a slow-to-load webpage could mean that customers leave your website and don’t return. Slow-loading pages are also likely to knock you down the rankings in search engine results. This is a great reason to keep your website simple. Furthermore, test out your website on smartphones and tablets to ensure that it formats correctly and still has the same appeal on mobile devices.

Implementing these simple steps above will empower you to create an effective website for your insurance business, helping you to stay ahead of the competition and grow from strength to strength.


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