3 Tips to Maximize Your Motor Accident Payout

maximize payout car accident

When it comes to traffic, the U.S. is home to some of the busiest roads in the world. With an estimated 284 million vehicles and 228.7 million drivers, this level of traffic also contributes to the high incidence of traffic accidents that take place in the country each year. Approximately 4.7 million passenger cars were involved in traffic crashes in 2020 making the United States one of the countries with the highest rate of traffic-related fatalities.

With so many motorists on the road, the chances that you could be involved in an accident are relatively high. This is one of the reasons drivers are taking out personal injury protection (PIP) which is a type of car insurance designed to cover medical expenses for the injured policyholder as well as their passengers, whether they have health insurance or not. You can find out more about this by getting an online car insurance quote.

As a result of a car accident, many drivers suffer injuries and costly medical expenses, as well as loss of earnings due to time of work or their inability to return. The costs can be significant, both financially and emotionally, and often extend into the future. If you have been involved in a car accident you could be entitled to compensation from the party at fault for the damages you incurred. Follow the tips outlined in this article to ensure you receive the maximum payout for your losses.

1. Obtain Reports

Proper documentation is essential for building a strong case and will help establish the value of your settlement. If police arrived at the scene of your accident, obtain a copy of the police report. This can contain helpful information such as statements taken from eyewitnesses as well the probable cause of the accident which can help to substantiate your claim.

2. Seek Medical Attention

If you suffered any injuries following your accident for which you received medical attention, a record of your injuries will also have been noted by your doctor. Your medical records can serve as valuable evidence to show the extent and nature of your injuries and most importantly, to prove that they occurred as a direct result of your accident. This is key to ensuring you receive the maximum payout you are due as insurance companies often dispute or even deny settlement amounts on grounds that the injuries sustained by the claimant were not caused by the accident.

3. Negotiate

Don’t be surprised if you receive a low opening offer from the other party’s insurance company. This is a common ploy that is used to avoid paying the full amount and also to gauge the claimant’s understanding of the value of their claim. If it is unreasonably low, enter into negotiations by asking them to justify the reasons behind their offer. Once you have this information you can respond by submitting a counteroffer with a higher amount while addressing each of their points by reminding them of the facts in order to support your case.

By following the tips in this article you can greatly improve your chances of receiving the maximum payout you are entitled to for your motor accident claim.


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