What Compensation Can You Get After a False Arrest?

An unforeseen interaction with law enforcement can be stress-inducing. It can be particularly true if you have not done anything illegal. Your interaction with police officers may have violated your civil rights. If an officer took you into custody without a justifiable reason or prevented movement free from unnecessary obstruction, you may be able to … Read more

How to Save Money When Buying a House

Buying a house is an important but expensive goal. However, it is important to note that there are some useful tricks that you can use to save money during the whole process. Starting with the costs related to the purchase. Here is how to save to buy a house: from negotiating the sale price to … Read more

Comparing Retirement Accounts

Today, we are answering your questions about retirement accounts. We discuss SEP IRAs, Roth IRAs vs. traditional, 403(b) vs. 457(b), and more. We also answer some questions about pregnancy and healthcare and comparing safer investments. We have three guests on today from one of our recommended financial advisors, Personal Choice Financial Advisors. They will tackle … Read more

Best Payday Advance Apps

Payday loans are one of the worst financial products. With interest rates that can climb above 400% (on an annualized basis), payday loans are costly and provide very little benefits. Payday loans are known as a “last-resort” option for cash-strapped individuals who need to pay for something in a hurry.  Today, there are options outside … Read more